It is hard to believe that the kids here in South Texas are getting ready to return to school next week. As a kid growing up, we were let loose the end of May and did not return until after Labor Day - a long, hazy, lazy summer. As a teen I did work 3 jobs sometimes and still was able to spend time at the local beach - taking life saving instructions and just enjoying the summer freedom. Later on, as a parent, I began to wonder why the kids got so much time off in the summer!!!! It was a day of celebration in our young neighborhood when the kids returned to school - long coffee hours, window shopping (we were too poor to spend money on ourselves) with friends, a day of quiet at the library, or just having a spare hour to read! The end of the first day of school was filled with chattering and excitement, as the girls gossiped about their teachers, who was in their class and who wore what. Those days seem so far away, and yet it seems like only yesterday. It reminds me of II Peter 3:8 "But do not forget this one thing dear friends, With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day". Just think about today - yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not here yet.
Things at the park are beginning to be spruced up a bit - the sign in front has been painted as well as all of the other signs. It makes the street signs much easier to see and read. It is difficult to believe that folks will start returning the middle of next month already. I have been trying to get the Christian reading section of the library in order. Many of the double volumes we have are being donated to another park which is starting their own Christian reading section. We have been told that the library is going to be moved, so I hope I can participate in the move - after makig sure that all the books are in alphabetical order, I sure don't want to do it over again.
our bright new sign at the entrance to the park
It is still very dry with not much rain in sight. There are showers predicted for the next few days, but all we have so far are the streaks of lightening and the sound of thunder. Were any of you able to see the meteor showers last week? I thought of it, but always forgot before going to bed. Many years ago, while living in Wisconsin, we went to a neighbors for a birthday party of friends, had a campfire, brought our blankets and pillows, and laid on the ground in the coolness of an August evening. The sight was absolutely indescribable as we all could not believe the beauty and grandeur of it all.
We brought a huge load of clothing to Great Oaks this morning for the clothing ministry. So glad that there were people there to help us unload them all. With the end of summer and winter in the future, heavier clothing, socks, and warm coats are very much in need, There were also many children's items available for the kids who are returning to school. On the same note, The Grand Army Home for Veterans in King, Wisconsin is accepting men's clothing for the veterans living there. They also have another section (very well cared for and kept up) for the homeless vets - a group of people often forgotten. Fred's brother Charles recently passed away and his widow donated all of his clothing to the home. As Charles was a disabled vet, he would have been so proud to see his clothing go to these veterans who have served our country so valiantly. Perhaps you should check in your area to see if this service is available.
Pastor Israel continued his sermon series this morning by encouraging us to put on the helmet of salvation. Have you noticed that every time you read a portion of Scripture that you have read before, God sheds a new light on it and open your eyes to see something that you never saw before? Society without God is our enemy, capable of all evil with Satan as our adversary (actually the word Satan means adversary). So we must be prepared to fight and uphold our salvation - granted to us by grace and not by any of our own deeds. Salvation began in the Old Testament. God delivered His people from the Egyptians which began a cycle of the Israelites pulling away from Him, being oppressed by enemies, and then their return to God. Salvation today is the New Testament. It points to the saving work of Christ and the church as a body. Jesus came to serve , not to be served. In the Old Testament, High Priests were responsible for salvation through sacrifices which occurred only once a year. Because they were human, they died and had to be replaced. Jesus is the High Priest today who lives forever and saves completely. He does this because He is always there to intercede for us - to be our advocate before God.
This coming week, thank Jesus for the great sacrifice He made so that we can spend eternity with Him.
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