The rain has stopped for the past few day, and we are blessed with gorgeous days and warming sunshine. We now can sit back and really enjoy the beauty of God's creation and all of it's amazing and wondrous creatures. The other morning I opened the blinds in the bedroom and was startled to see this beautiful fawn just a few feet away on the other side of the fence. It was so joyful, hopping around and also loving the sunshine. Later that evening in the stillness of the dusk, it was quietly resting on the knoll of a hill behind the house. There are four baby squirrels in the front yard every day, playing around and up and down the trees, acting just like kids when school is out. As I was walking across the front lawn, there was a turtle, actually hurrying along, heading to a destination known only to himself. I love to sit in the front yard, listening to the many songbirds that are so prevalent here in NW Arkansas.
enjoying the warmth |
perhaps Arkansas chiggers found him |
so innocent and amazing |
turtle on the move
this is "tamelife" - our daughter Brenda's two sweet dogs, - Trixie and Diggler
It has been exciting going to yard sales and resale stores, searching for ideas and pieces for birdbaths, end tables, and glass totems which is my craft passion right now. The supply is endless here in NW Arkansas, so I do have to be quite selective, with instructions from Fred that "we only have so much room in the vehicle for the trip back to Texas". He has been very helpful though, helping me to choose the choice pieces.
birdbath creation for our daughter, Chandra
I think I have often mentioned how I love Fayetteville's "funky" nature - an amazing city with it's very own and distinctive flavor. Just driving down the streets often brings new and interesting adventures - things to see, do , and become apart of . The new theme of Fayetteville _ FayetteChill - in other words - chill out in Fayetteville.
Airsteam trailers clustered together for a variety of snack stops
one of many statues, often moved to different areas of the city - so lifelike
Yesterday we drove to Fort Smith to the home of our daughter's friend, Darrell, to help prepare for his estate sale. It was a beautiful morning drive - again I marveled at the beauty that God created for us to enjoy. After a pleasant and delicious breakfast at Darrell's family's restaurant, we dug into the job of washing, pricing, and sorting treasures for others to enjoy. It was really a daunting job, but we pressed forward and do believe we finished at least 90% of it, except the shed which is Darrell's responsibility!!!!
early morning mist in the mountains
the scenery is indescribable
the mist is eerie but amazing
one of the 60+ bridge on our 1 hour drive
beauty in man's creation
the drive even includes a tunnel
just a small section of items waiting for us
priced and sorted
a job well done, if I must say so myself
a bunny and lamp waiting for new owners
Pastor Vance's sermon this morning helped to partially clear up a question raised by someone to me a few weeks ago. His sermon, based on I Corinthians 14:1-40 encourages us as a church to build each other up, not to proclaim our own spiritual gifts and abilities. Paul wrote this letter to the church at Corinth, trying to straighten out it's members who were doing just that. This Scripture also addresses the issue of speaking in tongues and what it really means. Is speaking in tongues a spiritual language known only to the speaker, (unknown to others) when speaking to God and not men? Or is it a missionary language, understood by many others in their own language as result of a miracle?? Many of us do not have the gift of speaking in tongues but can we be understood by others when speaking God's word in our own language? This teaching this morning helped me to not become so confused about this issue. Many others have the gift of prophesy - which is either foretelling (something in the future) or forthtelling (telling the truth about something in the present or past). What is your spiritual gift?? Ask God to reveal it to you and then use it for His glory.
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