It is unbelievable to see the continuing rain - not only here but everywhere. At Alamo Rec Veh Park there was 4" on the ground last night. Here in NW Arkansas we have still had rain every single day. Continue to pray for all of those in the flooded areas.
We have been visiting friends, sometimes just riding around noting the changes in the area over the past year, and checking out yard sales!!!!
Saturday we celebrated our oldest daughter, Chandra's birthday as well as our anniversary at our daughter Christine's home (she is such a gracious hostess, always opening her home for gatherings). Chandra's friend Darrell made the most awesome ribs I have ever eaten, as well as grilled corn and potatoes, baked beans ,veggies and dip, not to mention homemade butterfinger cheesecake pie. Even though it rained a bit, we spent a great afternoon together. We focused on finalizing our mini family reunion coming up in a few weeks. Love spending this cherished time with family.
Christine's smokehouse - which we will be utilizing before we leave Arkansas |
some healthy flowers |
a beautiful salmon colored lily |
a hollowed out log flower garden |
strange curly stemmed plant
a smoking grill
corn and potatoes quietly cooking along
homemade delicious salsa, thanks to Darrell
ribs anyone
time to eat - beans, corn, potatoes
potato toppings
Today we took a ride to Terra Studios, where the Bluebirds of Happiness are produced. Some of the earlier colors are not longer being produced (red, green, yellow) so I consider myself fortunate to possess some of these. We watched some bluebirds being made, and strolled on the unique paths. Many artists displayed their creations in the gallery for us to admire, while a local artist entertained us. The grounds were covered with trolls and others creatures as well as walls of art. We found the labyrinth and followed the trail from beginning to end not really paying attention to the definition but just for fun What is a Labyrinth? The Labyrinth Society gives us this definition: “A labyrinth is a single path (or unicursal tool) for personal, psychological and spiritual transformation.”
the labyrinth
bluebirds of happiness
some of the art walls on the paths
Attending our home church this morning was again such a comfortable feeling. Vance's sermon this morning was based on the love chapter - I Corinthians 13:1-13. So many times we relate this chapter to feelings of love - these verses are often produced on cards and in poetry. Vance reminded us that in the Greek language there are four words for love: agape, phileo, eros, and storge. Agapee love is obedient, committed, and unconditional love. Phileo love is a feeling love - friendship and affection. Eros is a passionate, sexual expression of love. Storge love is love between parents, children, and siblings. Always remember that love is action and not just emotions. Make an effort to practice agappe love this coming week, loving your friends as well as enemies.
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