Because there still are a few issues with starting church here at Alamo Rec Veh, we attend Sunday morning services at Great Oaks Community Church. Pastor Israel's sermon this morning was pretty thought provoking. He encouraged us to not be afraid. Fear comes in many areas, - physical fears such as being afraid of spiders, the dark, bugs, heights, water, as well as being afraid of happenings that tend to be more imaginary than real. We all know people who are afraid of getting a terminal illness, or financial ruin, even fear of some criminal offense against them. A lot of these fears are due to things that have happened to us although some fears are just products of our imagination. And then there is spiritual fear - which is hard to overcome and still a puzzle. If we continue to grow in God's love fear will be cast out. "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love". I John 4:18. Fear is a result of Adam and Eve's sin - they became afraid after they disobeyed God. Remember as children how afraid we became when we disobeyed our parents?? We often can overcome fear by confronting the very thing we fear. My fear of the dark has diminished since I have been walking in the early morning - now if I can just conquer my fear of pipes ( a bazaar fear that one of my daughters and I both have)!!!
I was invited to a very last minute baby shower for one of our CHI Mexican board members (Dulce) whose baby was due at any time. It was fun as there were only 6 of us in attendance and we had plenty of time for visiting. Of course, Betsy had a game prepared, which did not tax our abilities too much - lots of great food and laughter.
a delicious array of food - including Dulce's favorite - chicken wings |
she is due any minute |
a package of "butt crème" which really confused her |
baby girl outfits |
dessert of strawberry, mango, cream cheese, or tarimasu cakes - very rich but wonderful.
Dulce's baby girl, Ana Sofia Zapata, was born 2 days later!
We also celebrated a Harvest Fest the following evening at Great Oaks Community Church with a fun time for the kids in costume (even a few adults got into the mood), games and prizes for everyone, as well as a hot dog supper. I was in charge of the duck pond - the kids pulled out a duck with a loving message on it (you are awesome, God loves you, you are wonderful, etc.) and then won a little prize. One little girl was enchanted by the ducks, stomping around the pool and pointing at them all. She had no interest in touching them or the water, but giggled at them constantly.
a cute little flower girl
some of the cake walk prizes

the cake walk - hoping for a cake or pie
some adults having a great time
my duck pond - just a few ducks with powerful messages
Jose Louis - his first try at making cotton candy
this little one had her hands and mouth full of cotton candy
As we enjoy the bounty of the Lord, let us give thanks always for everything He provides for us - for all of the earthly needs, but especially for the spiritual blessing of His overpowering love.
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