Halloween will be here this week, followed shortly by Thanksgiving in less than a month, and then Christmas in 4 weeks after that. It does not seem possible that the time flies by so quickly. I tend not to look that far ahead, only concentrating on each holiday coming up first. Halloween used to be so much fun when the girls were little. Living in North Central Wisconsin, we had to either make or purchase ( I mostly made) costumes large enough to fit over snow suits!!! So the little pumpkins and ghosties were really plump. Walking through the crisp, cold evenings with kids all over the place, hollering "Trick or Treat" was a real experience - followed by returning home to the warm house. As the girls removed their heavy clothing, as a parent, I took the privilege of checking their candy stash, looking for a few of my favorites. Yes, I really did that.
After Halloween, thoughts turned to Thanksgiving - turkey, dressing, cranberries, pumpkin and apple pie, and football games. The best part was the gathering of all the relatives, the enjoyment of being together for a day of bonding and giving thanks for God's favor and mercy. The day after Thanksgiving was a special day for me, as Fred would go off deer hunting, and I would start planning Christmas baking, making all of the roll out cookies that day to be decorated later on. No shopping, as most of the Christmas presents were already made (yes, I said made). There were some store bought items, but the fun was seeing the joy as handmade gifts were unwrapped. I remember one year when one of the girls thought she had lost her favorite doll (which I had found and hidden). After they all went to bed in the evenings, I sewed new clothes for Dollie and she reappeared under the tree with all her new togs. Yes, I do admit I love the gift giving, but always remembering the greatest gift of all. (I guess my ramblings have gotten away from me). Try to make these 2 months of holiday bliss meaningful to you and your family by giving thanks every day for something, no matter how small it may seem. Then prepare yourselves for the birth of our Lord and Savior at Christmastime.
This week we celebrated the 85th birthday of one of our residents with cake and punch.
There were not to many of us there, as most have not yet arrived here at Alamo Rec Veh, but it was a great fellowship time - wishing Evie Happy Birthday. We soon will be celebrating her husband's 90th birthday. Both of them are doing well physically, are members of our church family, and love life to it's fullest.
birthday girl |
Jack and Evie - a fun couple
Pastor Israel finished his series of "It Matters" with an important message of finishing well. In 2 Timothy 4:6-8, Paul is at the end of his 30 years of ministry, reflecting on the fact that he fought a good fight for the Lord, spreading His word throughout the land, finishing the race while keeping the faith. He is looking forward to the crown of righteousness, promised to him by the Lord. What an amazing testimony. In this Scripture, he is encouraging young Timothy to continue the fight, keeping the faith, and running a good race. It is important to realize that how you live your life today will determine how you see yourself at the end of the race. Was your life an offering to God, did you finish the race being faithful to Him, and are you looking forward to a victor's crown?? It is never too late to get it right.
Chaplain Bill and Ali Artherholt arrived last week, ready to begin ministering to the residents here at Alamo Rec Veh. As we begin the season, pray for all 4 of us as we step forward in Christian love, preparing to continue the race by always being faithful to Him. Please pray for the Church @ Alamo Rec Veh, Chaplain Bill, the musicians, praise team, all of the electronics, the church board, even for us, as we proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord.
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