Normally, this time of year in South Texas is hot, hot, hot and dry. So far this summer we have not yet reached 100 degrees and we are almost halfway through July. This past week we have had at least 3 cooling, soft rains. Our cacti are again blooming, something the doesn't usually seem to happen. We are very blessed so far with a warm and relaxing summer.
Friend Judi invited us to go to a gospel jam this afternoon so we decided to change from our quiet Sunday afternoon routine and accompany her. It was fun - listening to older hymns, Southern gospel, and even some original songs performed by those who seem to love to sing to the Lord. The last portion of the program included requested songs from the audience. There are many music jams throughout the Valley in the winter months, but once a month in the summer at a near by park Gospel Music is featured. It was a nice break for a change, and the music was truly inspiring.
Thursday evening we drove across the border with a few others to Reynosa for RIN graduation. There were 17 children graduating, from kindergarten (just called kinder at RIN) through college. This year we had two college graduates - Julio and Uriel. Julio lived off campus in Reynosa with his grandmother as he finished his education as an engineer. Much to everyone's surprise, it was announced that he recently married!!!! He has a job and is ready to become a productive Mexican citizen. We are hoping that his achievements will be a model for all of the RIN kids. Uriel also graduated from college with a degree in architecture and has a position waiting for him. Uriel will continue to live at the Haven until at least December, hopefully absorbing the lessons in budgeting, housekeeping, etc. He, too, will be able to become a representation of what hard work and diligence will lead to. Uriel gave a short speech, reflecting on his former life before coming to the Haven years ago - that living in that particular environment would never have allowed him to made his dreams come true. Our Paty, who is attending junior high in Reynosa, has great dreams of continuing her education and becoming a lawyer. We were so blessed when a friend and fellow volunteer at CHI made the trip across with us and became the unofficial translator. We were able to communicate with Paty and Belinda as never before - the ability to do so made the evening so much fun, with lots of questions, answers, and laughs!!! The goals that all of the graduates have already reached are amazing - instilling in them the knowledge that through God, all things are possible. These children were the lucky ones, they were saved from the streets, taught about the love of Jesus, and given the opportunity to excel. One of our young men left the Haven 3 years ago. After much counseling and pleading to stay and continue his education, the pull of the streets was too strong to keep him at the Haven. Sadly to say, we found out that he met a very violent death in the streets, most likely at the hands of the drug cartel. We mourn the loss of him, knowing that we cannot save them all, but we will do so one at a time. Not only do we lose some children, some of the house parents hear the call of Our Lord to serve in other areas and make the decision to follow His command. Arturo and his family felt the Lord calling them to another refuge in a neighboring state in Mexico and felt that God was asking them to change direction. We are sad to see them go, but are glad in the knowledge that others will benefit from their loving leadership.
presents for the graduates |
let the party begin |
Belinda looks a bit grumpy - but later on, through translation, she laughed and giggled with us |
the Senoritas were late to the party - guess Paty's hairdo was one of the reasons! |
Uriel (with the help of Betsy's translation) told his story |
the proud graduates - |
all ages, moving on to the next step in their lives |
imagine our surprise to see Paty in glasses - always with her beautiful smile |
Arturo and his family asking for everyone's blessing and prayers, while the tears flowed
It was really ironic (or was it) that Pastor Israel's sermon this morning revolved around the fact that children are a gift from God, that they are to be dedicated to God, and instructed in the ways of the Lord, and not of the world. Many parents leave that instruction to the teachers, not really knowing what is being taught, especially at those early learning stages of their little lives. It is our responsibility as parents, grand parents, great grand parents, friends, and neighbors, to instill in children God's place in their lives, to teach them what the Bible says, and to show them through our actions and words what it means to be a true child of God. Read I Samuel, chapters 1 through 3 to see how Hannah dedicated her son to the Lord.
Yesterday we went to the pulga (Mexican flea market) next door to our park for the first time this year. It is huge, with many long aisles of merchandise for sale. If you cannot find what you are looking for at the pulga, you probably won't find it anywhere. The prices are very reasonable, but the ambiance is the main attraction. Stands and stalls of everything imaginable, families shopping together, music, smells of food cooking, fresh fruits, and leather boots! A fun shopping experience, even if it is just "window shopping". A great time to exercise, too, as a person walks the long rows of stands.
tools of all kinds
candy anyone?
the sign says it all
fun stuff
one of the many long aisles
t-shirts of all colors
generators - where does all this stuff come from?
clothes - some new and some used
fishing poles for the sportsman
also all sorts of camo
larger items
for your decorating needs
yes - you are seeing correctly - tombstones - there are also stands where funeral directors assist you with your funeral plans
Keep all Vacation Bible School classes in your prayers this month, as we instruct the little ones in the way of the Lord.
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