Today, Pastor Israel, Becky, and daughter Rachael are on a much needed vacation. Vacation Bible School just finished, so it was time for them to relax before the fall season starts - Rachael will soon be back to teaching school, so the time was perfect for them to schedule time off. Brother E. Rios presented a message that took quite a turn for me. Acts 8:26 and following tells the story of Phillip and the Egyptian eunuch
which points to the idea of listening to God's direction and following it. Obedience, patience, and sensitivity to God's leadership is of the utmost importance. As Brother Rios began to tell the story, something seemed to jump out at me. An angel spoke to Phillip - it doesn't say if the angel appeared to Philip or just spoke to him. Would you or I know when an angel spoke to us or even appeared to us??? Most angels today look like just you and I - how do we recognize them??? Do we know that if when we are assisted in time of danger or distress that the person who assisted us was an angel??? When we help out someone in need - is that person an angel or only someone whom we choose to aid. Follow your instincts - be loving and kind always - you never know when you are in the company of angels.
Did anyone else notice the beautiful moon this past week? God created night and day for so that we would have manageable portions of time, much easier for humans to handle. Darkness enables our body to produce melatonin which is a signal to go to sleep. Amazing how God covered all the bases with His creation!!!
the top bright light is the moon |
an amazing close up
I have started walking again in the early evening when it cools off a bit - wow - do I need to do this every day!!! I cannot get too far before I have to turn around and head for home - but each day I will walk a bit farther - hopefully I will soon be back to 3 miles again. Often I take my camera and am rewarded with great pictures, other times it is just an albatross around my neck. But walking gives me time to reflect on the day's events - wondering if I missed an opportunity to connect with someone on a spiritual level. A funny note - this morning I called in a RX at a local Walgreen's - the clerk told me they would be ready in about an hour. I related to him that we were on our way to church so there was no hurry - we would pick them up on the way back. His reply was. "Oh well, have fun at church"???? What was that supposed to mean? I enjoy going to church - the peacefulness in the thought that I cannot do anything else at the time but praise God - the fellowship with other church members and learning something new as in the case this morning, learning a new twist to an old story. Fun? Maybe he was right - church IS fun.

if you look close, you will see a duck family on the bank

can't wait until these green oranges are ripe

such a beautiful orange color
I dragged out my dehydrator this week as we received some ultra sweet red and yellow peppers and a huge supply of cherry tomatoes. The dried peppers will be wonderful in soups and stews this winter, or re hydrated and used in omelets. I will add oil, garlic, and a bit of salt to some of the tomatoes for salad garnishes, in pasta dishes, or to just eat (mucho gracias to my brother, Bob, for the idea).
Please pray for the families of those killed in the Malaysian airplane this past week. Pray for our world, and especially our nation in this time of unrest - it is difficult to keep in mind that God is in control, even though Satan seems to be loose on earth.
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