Today is Fred's 73rd birthday - but what does that really mean??? Yes, 73 years ago today he was born at home to Fred and Elizabeth Preuss, the oldest child of eventually 3. He lived a fairly normal life as the son of a daily farmer in Central Wisconsin, grew up in the area. married me, raised 4 daughters, built 2 homes, partially built another one, was an over the road truck driver for many years, retired in Arkansas, then worked for another 7 years before finally retiring and then traveled for a few years in an RV. OK, sorry if this sounds like an obituary, but in a way it is. It was the end of a former life and the beginning of a new one. Fred, as well as all of us, only has one life, so far for him 73 years of that life, 876 months of those years, 319740 days of those months (not counting leap years),7,673,760 hours of those days, and 46,042,560 seconds of those minutes. Wow - a person cannot even fathom counting that high. So does age really matter? What matters is what we do with all those seconds. Somewhere along the line, Fred and I changed direction, answering God's calling to use all of the remaining time we have to serve the Lord - in whatever capacity He leads us. So if you are only 20 or even 65, listen to the voice of the Master. You don't have to give up your job, or home or even your family. Just follow His commands, be kind and generous to everyone, don't judge lest you be judged, don't harbor bitterness, anger, or jealousy. In other words, live the best life God has blessed you with - who knows where you will be when you are 73!!!! Whenever someone asks our age, I have to stop and figure it out - I never really dwell on numbers. So for a birthday present, we went to Baskin Robbins - the best ice cream ever.
This week we are dog sitting again during the day - our neighbor had back surgery, so we watch Missy and Sissy while her husband is at the hospital with her. The surgery was more extensive than the doctors thought and Bessie is in a lot of severe pain. Please pray for the pain to subside, and that she is able to come home from the hospital soon. The dogs are really very good - very well behaved, and mild mannered. The worst thing they do is rat up my rugs in the bathroom for some odd reason. It is cooler in there, so they go in, scratch around, rat up the rugs, and then come prancing out. Right now they napping on the couch - their favorite pastime.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Today, Pastor Israel, Becky, and daughter Rachael are on a much needed vacation. Vacation Bible School just finished, so it was time for them to relax before the fall season starts - Rachael will soon be back to teaching school, so the time was perfect for them to schedule time off. Brother E. Rios presented a message that took quite a turn for me. Acts 8:26 and following tells the story of Phillip and the Egyptian eunuch
which points to the idea of listening to God's direction and following it. Obedience, patience, and sensitivity to God's leadership is of the utmost importance. As Brother Rios began to tell the story, something seemed to jump out at me. An angel spoke to Phillip - it doesn't say if the angel appeared to Philip or just spoke to him. Would you or I know when an angel spoke to us or even appeared to us??? Most angels today look like just you and I - how do we recognize them??? Do we know that if when we are assisted in time of danger or distress that the person who assisted us was an angel??? When we help out someone in need - is that person an angel or only someone whom we choose to aid. Follow your instincts - be loving and kind always - you never know when you are in the company of angels.
Did anyone else notice the beautiful moon this past week? God created night and day for so that we would have manageable portions of time, much easier for humans to handle. Darkness enables our body to produce melatonin which is a signal to go to sleep. Amazing how God covered all the bases with His creation!!!
which points to the idea of listening to God's direction and following it. Obedience, patience, and sensitivity to God's leadership is of the utmost importance. As Brother Rios began to tell the story, something seemed to jump out at me. An angel spoke to Phillip - it doesn't say if the angel appeared to Philip or just spoke to him. Would you or I know when an angel spoke to us or even appeared to us??? Most angels today look like just you and I - how do we recognize them??? Do we know that if when we are assisted in time of danger or distress that the person who assisted us was an angel??? When we help out someone in need - is that person an angel or only someone whom we choose to aid. Follow your instincts - be loving and kind always - you never know when you are in the company of angels.
Did anyone else notice the beautiful moon this past week? God created night and day for so that we would have manageable portions of time, much easier for humans to handle. Darkness enables our body to produce melatonin which is a signal to go to sleep. Amazing how God covered all the bases with His creation!!!
the top bright light is the moon |
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Cooling Rain
Normally, this time of year in South Texas is hot, hot, hot and dry. So far this summer we have not yet reached 100 degrees and we are almost halfway through July. This past week we have had at least 3 cooling, soft rains. Our cacti are again blooming, something the doesn't usually seem to happen. We are very blessed so far with a warm and relaxing summer.
Friend Judi invited us to go to a gospel jam this afternoon so we decided to change from our quiet Sunday afternoon routine and accompany her. It was fun - listening to older hymns, Southern gospel, and even some original songs performed by those who seem to love to sing to the Lord. The last portion of the program included requested songs from the audience. There are many music jams throughout the Valley in the winter months, but once a month in the summer at a near by park Gospel Music is featured. It was a nice break for a change, and the music was truly inspiring.
Thursday evening we drove across the border with a few others to Reynosa for RIN graduation. There were 17 children graduating, from kindergarten (just called kinder at RIN) through college. This year we had two college graduates - Julio and Uriel. Julio lived off campus in Reynosa with his grandmother as he finished his education as an engineer. Much to everyone's surprise, it was announced that he recently married!!!! He has a job and is ready to become a productive Mexican citizen. We are hoping that his achievements will be a model for all of the RIN kids. Uriel also graduated from college with a degree in architecture and has a position waiting for him. Uriel will continue to live at the Haven until at least December, hopefully absorbing the lessons in budgeting, housekeeping, etc. He, too, will be able to become a representation of what hard work and diligence will lead to. Uriel gave a short speech, reflecting on his former life before coming to the Haven years ago - that living in that particular environment would never have allowed him to made his dreams come true. Our Paty, who is attending junior high in Reynosa, has great dreams of continuing her education and becoming a lawyer. We were so blessed when a friend and fellow volunteer at CHI made the trip across with us and became the unofficial translator. We were able to communicate with Paty and Belinda as never before - the ability to do so made the evening so much fun, with lots of questions, answers, and laughs!!! The goals that all of the graduates have already reached are amazing - instilling in them the knowledge that through God, all things are possible. These children were the lucky ones, they were saved from the streets, taught about the love of Jesus, and given the opportunity to excel. One of our young men left the Haven 3 years ago. After much counseling and pleading to stay and continue his education, the pull of the streets was too strong to keep him at the Haven. Sadly to say, we found out that he met a very violent death in the streets, most likely at the hands of the drug cartel. We mourn the loss of him, knowing that we cannot save them all, but we will do so one at a time. Not only do we lose some children, some of the house parents hear the call of Our Lord to serve in other areas and make the decision to follow His command. Arturo and his family felt the Lord calling them to another refuge in a neighboring state in Mexico and felt that God was asking them to change direction. We are sad to see them go, but are glad in the knowledge that others will benefit from their loving leadership.
Friend Judi invited us to go to a gospel jam this afternoon so we decided to change from our quiet Sunday afternoon routine and accompany her. It was fun - listening to older hymns, Southern gospel, and even some original songs performed by those who seem to love to sing to the Lord. The last portion of the program included requested songs from the audience. There are many music jams throughout the Valley in the winter months, but once a month in the summer at a near by park Gospel Music is featured. It was a nice break for a change, and the music was truly inspiring.
Thursday evening we drove across the border with a few others to Reynosa for RIN graduation. There were 17 children graduating, from kindergarten (just called kinder at RIN) through college. This year we had two college graduates - Julio and Uriel. Julio lived off campus in Reynosa with his grandmother as he finished his education as an engineer. Much to everyone's surprise, it was announced that he recently married!!!! He has a job and is ready to become a productive Mexican citizen. We are hoping that his achievements will be a model for all of the RIN kids. Uriel also graduated from college with a degree in architecture and has a position waiting for him. Uriel will continue to live at the Haven until at least December, hopefully absorbing the lessons in budgeting, housekeeping, etc. He, too, will be able to become a representation of what hard work and diligence will lead to. Uriel gave a short speech, reflecting on his former life before coming to the Haven years ago - that living in that particular environment would never have allowed him to made his dreams come true. Our Paty, who is attending junior high in Reynosa, has great dreams of continuing her education and becoming a lawyer. We were so blessed when a friend and fellow volunteer at CHI made the trip across with us and became the unofficial translator. We were able to communicate with Paty and Belinda as never before - the ability to do so made the evening so much fun, with lots of questions, answers, and laughs!!! The goals that all of the graduates have already reached are amazing - instilling in them the knowledge that through God, all things are possible. These children were the lucky ones, they were saved from the streets, taught about the love of Jesus, and given the opportunity to excel. One of our young men left the Haven 3 years ago. After much counseling and pleading to stay and continue his education, the pull of the streets was too strong to keep him at the Haven. Sadly to say, we found out that he met a very violent death in the streets, most likely at the hands of the drug cartel. We mourn the loss of him, knowing that we cannot save them all, but we will do so one at a time. Not only do we lose some children, some of the house parents hear the call of Our Lord to serve in other areas and make the decision to follow His command. Arturo and his family felt the Lord calling them to another refuge in a neighboring state in Mexico and felt that God was asking them to change direction. We are sad to see them go, but are glad in the knowledge that others will benefit from their loving leadership.
presents for the graduates |
let the party begin |
Belinda looks a bit grumpy - but later on, through translation, she laughed and giggled with us |
the Senoritas were late to the party - guess Paty's hairdo was one of the reasons! |
Uriel (with the help of Betsy's translation) told his story |
the proud graduates - |
all ages, moving on to the next step in their lives |
imagine our surprise to see Paty in glasses - always with her beautiful smile |
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Malanga and Other Interesting Things
Luckily, Fred and I both are eager to step out and try new foods. In Wisconsin, we had our first taste of fried alligator, which was delicious and in Arkansas, we have sampled and loved Paw Paw. Here in South Texas there are many food items that we have never seen or heard of before, but this week was one which even the Mexican people were a bit leery of. It is a vegetable called malanga coco. or just malanga. It originates in Cuba and Costa Rica and is very similar in taste to a potato, a bit sweeter maybe with a nutty taste. It looks like a log - yep, just like a log you would put in the fire place. After asking around a bit, and some Internet searching, we decided to cut the bark like skin off, slice it, and then cube it, saute it in a bit of olive oil with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. It was very good - better than American fried potatoes!!! We also made some mango salsa from the smaller sweeter mangoes - which was also good. How many times do we not step out in faith and give something new a try?? Be it for our physical needs or better yet, our spiritual needs. God is always testing us, pushing us onward, giving us a chance to push forward as He continues to lead us. He would not ever expect us to do anything that He has not already done. Who knows - maybe you will discover your malanga - your wonderful surprise for just making that first step.
It seems that this week was all about food - we took our coupons and went with neighbors Ron and Carole to the Kolache factory on Saturday morning (buy3, get 3 free!) and as we were coming home, a family was along side of the road, selling cantaloupes. I love the pick up trucks along the road way, selling all sorts of wonderful produce as well as homemade items, and especially the baskets for holidays. We also saw some resourceful young men selling 800 count sheet sets for $20.00. What a deal. We did each buy a cantaloupe - it was also fresh and delicious.
malanga coco |
this is a small one - there are some much, much larger |
strange looking veggie |
after a difficult time getting the skin off, it is cubed and ready for the pan - notice the strange pink coloring |
It seems that this week was all about food - we took our coupons and went with neighbors Ron and Carole to the Kolache factory on Saturday morning (buy3, get 3 free!) and as we were coming home, a family was along side of the road, selling cantaloupes. I love the pick up trucks along the road way, selling all sorts of wonderful produce as well as homemade items, and especially the baskets for holidays. We also saw some resourceful young men selling 800 count sheet sets for $20.00. What a deal. We did each buy a cantaloupe - it was also fresh and delicious.
perfectly ripe and sweet
On Monday CHI Director, Betsy Chicon, hosted a luncheon for the resale store summer workers. We often do not get to see each other, as there are few activities at CHI or even at the Haven in Reynosa. The church teams are usually here in the summer, so that keeps Betsy and her husband, Randall, fairly busy in Reynosa. This was a typical themed luncheon - the theme being the pink flamingo. a peculiar bird. In 1 Peter 2:9 the phrase "peculiar people" appears - meaning special and set apart. Betsy emphasized that we as volunteers at CHI are set apart by God to be used to make the kids at RIN a peculiar generation. We were treated to Church's chicken, cole slaw and beans made by Betsy's Mother-in-law from Costa Rica, and special ice cream sundaes. Oh no, food again.
summer CHI volunteers
Director Betsy, explaining about peculiar people
chicken dinner
this was not mine, but one lady made this sundae look inviting!
Pastor Israel's sermon this morning warned us to avoid the Big Blunder - the gross error or miscalculation we make in our lives without thought or consideration. David made many blunders, all leading to the death of his own son. God said David was a man after His own heart - how can that be after the many sins David committed. What David did after his sin made all the difference in the world. He turned back to God and recognized God's greatness and love and he was forgiven. Just as we are forgiven if we repent and ask for forgiveness. Read 2 Samuel 11:1-17, 26 and 27 for the whole story. God sent Nathan to confront David, making David realize what he had done. See 2 Samuel 12:1-15. Before you make that big blunder, think ahead to the consequences, recognizing the fact that as humans we do make big blunders. What we need to do is avoid the blunders - don't take that first step. And remember, what we do after we sin makes all the difference.
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