It is really beautiful here in Central Wisconsin - Wausau is a funky town, much like Fayetteville, Arkansas. Lots of unique and artsy shopping, many local characters, some old familiar ones and some new ones, such as the older man walking around with a huge white bird on his shoulder. I did not see the man with the snake wrapped around his neck though!!
Years ago, a local church sponsored the first Hmong family (Hmongs are Vietnamese who were displaced and lost their homeland due to the war). Since then, many families settled here making up about 20% of the city's population A Hmong family lives next door to daughter Connie. As we were sitting on the porch one evening, enjoying the quiet early evening, several cars drove up to the neighbor's house, couples got out and went next door, carrying what looked like Bibles. Soon we heard the sound of singing, although we did not understand the words the meaning was clear. What a country we live in, where we can worship as we please, in whatever language, however we want to!!!
On Wednesday night, our grandson Calton graduated high school - the last of our grandchildren to begin their life's journey. Calton plans to go on to school to become a dentist because he wants everyone to have a beautiful smile.
so refreshing to see a young man so neatly dressed (this was his own personal choice) |
smiling and ready to get this over with |
the hats are flying in celebration |
Calton and his girlfriend, Devon |
and his mother, Connie, our daughter |
his father, Roman |
and of course, the soooo very proud grandparents
On Friday, since all of our daughters were in Wisconsin for the graduation, we celebrated with a Birthaversary party - three of our daughters have birthdays within days of each other in May as well as our anniversary( from the 25th to the 29th!). It was truly fun to be together and laugh at silly things they did as kids, as well as the silly things they thought we did! We had a wonderful day, including grilled Wisconsin brats and hamburgers.
unique cake, but the bakery forgot the word "Happy"
Great Uncle Scott from Arkansas meets Avery for the first time - and instantly bonded
Grandpa and Calton, just finishing a deep discussion
Great Grandpa Fred and Avery
How many men does it take to grill a few brats and hamburgers??
Saturday started out beautiful, but storms were in the forecast - we decorated and set up tables, always with plan B in mind. As the storms rolled in, we moved to the garage for the meal and visiting. The sun then came out just in time for photos, which were a request of mine.

congratulations, Calton

decorations done

even in the front - before the storm

after the storm - suns out for happy cousins
we always take a yearly picture of Fred and his siblings - Fred on the right, brother Charles in front, and sister Sis on the left

our four amazing daughter - from the left - Chandra, who moved to Arkansas right after the party, Brenda from Arkansas, Connie in Wisconsin, and Christine from Arkansas, In the back is Barbara from Wisconsin, who is considered another daughter who lived with us for awhile

oldest daughter Chandra (in the middle) with oldest granddaughter Katie, who just finished graduate school, and Katie's friend Jake

Mother and daughter just before the frosting flew!
We had the opportunity this morning to again attend Bible Truth Chapel with Pastor Eric Shelley as he continued his series on prayer. Intercessory prayer was the sermon for this week as he read from John 17. Intercession is a way of loving others as stated by Robert Foster. Do you realize that someone is praying for you?? Perhaps not at the moment, but someone IS praying for you, for whatever the reason. Pastor Eric used an example, which actually happened to me this summer. Chaplain Bill called one day and said he was praying for me - my reaction was, WHY"?? Did he know something that I didn't? Pastor Eric used the exact example this morning, saying that just because God laid it on a person's heart to pray for another does not necessarily mean there is a specific reason. God just does these things to encourage us to pray for one another. Read John chapter 17 - you will see where God prays for Himself, us, and His disciples. He is a mission God, sending us out into the world to continue the work He started. Make it a priority that we all complete that mission.
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