We had the opportunity this past week to spend time with family here in NW Arkansas. Three of our great grandchildren are here, along with 3 daughters and 2 grandchildren. We had various get togethers for pictures, fun, laughter, and cook-outs. One day was particularly crazy - daughter Christine was target shooting in preparation for her gun carry permit, 2 other daughters were on in the house facebooking friends, and the men were making sausage. Our son-in-law Scott makes amazing home made sausage, so we purchased some meat in order to help him make some for us. It was a quiet, peaceful day - followed by the next day of total chaos!!! Our daughters, grand children, and great grandchildren were here for food and bonding.
hamburger and pork sausage ready to become homemade summer sausage |
the mixer - a great find at a resale store |
ready to begin |
adding the spices - a home made mixture |
a modern sausage stuffer |
son-in-law Scott - the master stuffer |
some sticks done |
oldest daughter Chandra and Fred - working together mixing |
11 sticks ready for smoking |
the smoker- patiently waiting |
all ready to go |
it took a while, but they are done |
can not wait to try it |
lots of great eating
daughter Christine practicing - she passed!!!
We enjoyed two days of wonderful family time. It seems that families are scattered. all over in this age. I wonder how to might have felt many year ago when where multi aged families all lived together in one house? Probably not like the Waltons, but perhaps the bonds were much tighter than today.
Christine and one of our twin great grand daughters - Kinley
great aunt Chandra and the other twin, Kenzie - they will be one year old on the 29th of June - God's precious miracles.
the twins' Mama - Page
a room full of grandchildren and great grandchildren
great aunt Chandra and our great grand daughter Brielle
It was a time to take 4 generation pictures - we do not get together so very often, so it is a reason to celebrate.
4 generations with us, daughter Christine, grandson Seth, and twins, Kinley and Kenzie
the twins' mama Page and her daughter Shelby got in on this pic
4 generations with granddaughter Casey and great granddaughter, Brielle
we have our hands full of great grandchildren
daughter, Brenda, with her "children", Diggler and Trixie
Families are so very important especially if God is the center of it all. We have this verse on a wall of our Texas home: Joshua 24:15 “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

Fred's favorite pastime: watering the cement!
As we prepare to travel back to South Texas, we attended our last church service of the year at Prairie Grove Christian Church, where Pastor Vance Eubanks continuesd his series on expectations. This week was focused on the expectations others have of us - does our yes be yes and our no be no? Sometimes it is our over commitment to fulfill expectations that others have for us or sometimes we are not qualified for those expectations that let us down. We need to be totally committed to God where every minute in our life Jesus is the guest of honor. Humble yourself at the feet of Jesus, no one can pull you any lower than that! I love our church, our church family (there is family again!!), Sunday School class, and especially Pastor Vance and his wife Linda. It is comforting to know that when the Lord feels we need to retire from missionary service, we have a home to return to!
This week I ask you to pray for the family of Dennis and Sally Schmandt. Sally was a friend since high school - especially our young married years when we visited together often. We have always been in touch over the years. Sally called me last Monday, just to catch up and talk about a possible vacation visit to us. On Tuesday they were both killed in a truck roll over accident. Pray for their children, Dale and Shelley, knowing that their parents were partners in this life and comforted by the knowledge that they walked hand in hand through the gates of Heaven.
Dennis and Sally Schmandt a few years ago
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