I have been bothered all week by the Texas crud - at first thought it was allergies, but guess it wasn't. Coughing, phlegm all the time, sore throat off and on, and extreme sleepiness. It has been going on two week now but each day seems a bit better until evening comes.. Early this morning, Fred came down with the symptoms - chills, sore throat, coughing, and sleepiness. It is strange, because a person gets a burst of energy - so we try to get something done at that time. For the first time as long as I can remember, we missed church services.
Neighbor Ron Pease gave us a tiny palm tree so we planted it. Of course, we had to soak the ground first, then dig out spot for some cement pieces to make a circle around it. Some of the neighbors left us their flowers which we have been watering, so I transplanted some white double petunias, and regular red ones which proceeded to flop over and die by evening. I gave them until today to redeem themselves - guess I will go out as soon as it cools off and pull them out. They do look pretty sad out there.
It seems as if all God's creation has come alive this week - a oriole tried to feed from the hummingbird feeder. He finally got frustrated and took off in a squawk!! A huge turtle was sunning himself on a neighbor's driveway - every time I tried to sneak up on him and take a picture he retreated into his shell. As I was vacuuming the living room I glanced out the window and saw him ambling down the road, headed for the lake. Actually, I do think it was a female, looking for a place to lay eggs. I checked on the neighbor's mourning dove nest, only to discover that at least one egg had hatched. New life abounds everywhere.
headed back to the lake |
surveying the new world
looks like mama is still sitting on something or someone
The Easter lilies that former Chaplain Dennis and Sally Maloney planted are starting to bloom - those that are bloomed already smell so beautiful - the scent is in the air all over. What an amazing reminder of Jesus' resurrection.
These were a gift to us - so beautiful and pure
some lilies in bloom - those amaryllis sure look sad, though
more blooming lilies
the basil is also blooming - and smells heavenly
a huge cluster of lilies
One of our residents has been in the hospital for a while, and now is in rehab as a result of her kidneys totally shutting down. She also had pneumonia which added to the trauma. She was granted a 4 hour pass today to come visit us at the park, so our resident cake baker, Gordie, bake her a welcome home cake, and wife, Aggie, baked some amazing brownies. Janice did not know of the impromptu party, so was quite surprised. After she has become more stabilized and gained back her strength, she and husband Elmer will travel back home to Fargo - stopping for dialysis along the way. Please pray for her, as well as her daughter who will be giving her kidney for transplant if Janice is strong enough for the surgery.
welcome home with cake, ice cream, and brownies
surprise!!!! Elmer looks pleased with himself.
Janice and Elmer - who have over 50 years of marriage and a truly great marriage
I have been reading through the Book of Hebrews only because it seems I was led do so. As I read Chapter 11 (almost finished with Hebrews, ready to start another Book) I began to truly understand faith "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see" Hebrews 11:1. I basically understood the concept of faith, but had not really taken in the full effect of it. By faith, Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses' parents, Moses, the Israelites who passed through the sea; these we all know about (if not, look them up!), but how about the countless others in the Bible - the walls of Jericho, Rehab, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, the prophets - all those in the old Testament. We who have the knowledge of the written Bible, still believe in faith as we read God's Word. Take time this week start a Book - read one chapter every day. You will be surprised to see how much you look forward to the next chapter!!! Blessings to all of you in Christ's name.
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