Today is really a musical Sunday - church this morning at Great Oaks was alive with glorifying praise and worship music - after arriving home the music at the next door Mexican flea market (pulga) must have a band playing, as we can hear all the music through our open windows. Last night, after I went bed, I could feel the pounding of the drums vibrating in the night. The pulga is an amazing place - you can buy anything from nuts and bolts by the pound, to live birds in every color imaginable, boots and shoes, jewelry, Avon, used clothing (probably bought by the pound at the ropa's and resold), food of every kind, piñatas, even used flea market items. During the week, the vendors set up outside, but on Wednesdays and week-ends, the festivities move indoors, including a dance every day and night on the weekend. Sometimes, it is impossible to get into our park driveway because the traffic is lined up , waiting to get into the market.
just a small section of the outside market - buyers and vendors |
a very busy place
I have shown you a picture of my beautiful but short lived blooming cactus, but this year it truly out did itself with 3 blossoms - it was so awesome to see them in full bloom. Whenever I was out side and someone passed by, I told them to look quick because the blooms would not be around very long. True to form, they bloomed late one evening, into the night, and only the next day. It kind of reminds me of life which seems to go so fast and if we wish it away, we can never get any of the minutes back. To God, it is just a snap of the fingers. "A thousand years in Your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night." Psalm 90:4
side view
they are so brilliant and gorgeous
We worked one day at border Missions where we feed countless number of folks, and then passed out countless amounts of produce. This time I was in charge of cookies - bags of chocolata gallentas (chocolate cookies) which were really a treat for many. Fred handed out chocolate tomatoes (a day for chocolate, I guess). The tomatoes really are chocolate in color and taste sort of like tomatoes, but are very good. After we were done with the soup beans and rice line, one of the workers brought us some shrimp patties and cactus to eat. Some volunteers were reluctant to try them, but I did (Fred is much more less adventuresome than me and declined). They were delicious!!! Too bad there were not more of them. - we all just got one patty and some cactus.
On one of our last trips to Reynosa, I noticed that the van was making a funny noise, sort of a constant metallic sound from the time we crossed the border and were in Reynosa. We drove about 4 miles before we reached the gates of RIN. After we entered the gates, Fred checked the tires - sure enough there was a piece of metal in the tire which at that point began to go flat. After the Tios took the tire off to get it repaired, they found one of those spikes that are used to stop a speeding car embedded in the tire. By all accounts, that tire should have gone flat immediately, but God protected us until we reached the safety of RIN. I cannot imagine what we would have done with a flat tire in Reynosa with a van full of Americans!!! Another example of answered prayers, as we always pray for safety when traveling to Reynosa.
the spike that was in the tire
It promises to be a more quiet week coming up - everyone enjoy the spring weather, thanking God every day for all things promised and given!
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