What is so special about this Sunday - we go to church every Sunday - to praise and worship the Risen Lord. We did the same this Sunday, except for one thing - we know for certain - Jesus is Alive - He has risen and therefore fulfilled Scripture. He has died and risen to forgive our sins - not only the sins of your brother or sister or neighbor, but your sins. Make it personal - Jesus died on the cross for _______ (insert your name here). He rose from the tomb as He promised so we know that we will have a resurrection - a new and wonderful life in the Lord. . What a glorious day!!!!!
We had the opportunity this week to work at an Expo for Christian Resort Ministries in order to meet with park owners and managers. Chaplains Elton and Liz Glenn were also there as we explained what the RV Division of CRM is all about. We enjoy talking with people, sometimes surprised to find out we know the same people, been to the same places, live in the same area. Many of those we visited with were very interested in the idea of an on site chaplain to meet the needs of the residents. Some were new managers, so just getting grounds floor information was great for them. We also got a chance to talk about our women's conference and made many contacts for our 2015 conference. An interesting afternoon with lots of chocolate!!!
Chaplain Elton getting ready to visit with people |
Chaplain Liz Glenn and Chaplain Fred planning strategy
talking with park managers |
We were honored again to be able to attend a wedding in Reynosa. The Mexican Director, Malena, was married on Saturday. We did not stay over in Reynosa, as today was Easter Sunday, as well as a pot luck in our park. We did not want to miss church at Great Oaks, nor a wonderful ham dinner, so we, along with a few others, elected to come home on Saturday night. The wedding was beautiful, being held out of doors for the most part, with a not too hot overcast day and a nice breeze. Malena's husband, Karim, along with his sister and brothers, were RIN kids. They spent much of their young lives at the Haven going to school and living in a Casa as the kids do today. Karim's sister went on to school, became a lawyer, and is now on the Mexican board of CHI. What a role model for the young senoritas!!! As we were not staying overnight, Director Betsy's husband Randall informed us that we had to leave in time to get to the bridge by 11 PM as the nearest bridge to the US closed at that time. We were all enjoying our wedding cake when Randall announced that we were leaving. After gathering up those Americanos who were going back across and saying goodbye to the kids, we loaded the van and left. We arrived at the bridge in plenty of time --- the bridge was closed!!!! When I heard Randall proclaim, "this is not good" I began to wonder WHAT was not good??? We had to turn around and drive through Reynosa to another bridge(not a good thing for a van load of gringos on a late Saturday night in Reynosa). We made it just fine with no incidents, but the prayers were flying all over in that van!!!

the new palapa, a perfect setting for the ceremony
one of the house mothers and little Kayla, all dressed up for the wedding
Matt Campbell and girlfriend from Canada - Matt was an intern at RIN and returns frequently
Directors Randall and Betsy Chacon and son Benjamin
the kneeling pillows
radiant Melana and her father, who was the minister at the ceremony
repeating their promises to one another
the signifying of them being bonded to each other - a white silk cord
receiving coins signifying the sharing in a marriage
the traditional gift of a Bible
another tradition - the serenading of a Rondalla
the end of the religious ceremony - in Mexican tradition there are two ceremonies - the civil one which in this case was performed Friday night, and the religious one
popcorn, chichironi, and hot sauce - a pre supper snack
the newly paved and painted area between the dorms
the bride's choice of bridal footwear - red cowboy boots
all of RIN kids, houseparents, and directors
the throwing of the groom - wonder if they ever missed catching one?
Tia Carmen, Tia Susanna, Tio Juan and children
the cake was delicious
a real money tree
a portion of dinner guests
Pretty Paty and us
dinner of chicken and Mexican sauce, mashed potatoes, and green spaghetti - the round things on the table are gifts - tightly sealed caramel-honey - gooey and sticky!!! don't forget the amazing tasting Mexican coke.
Bashful Belinda and us
Karim surprised Malena by serenading her
After a tiring week-end, it was nice to relax a bit this afternoon before our volunteer work this coming week. Try to do something special for someone you do not know this week - pay their order at a drive up, let them go ahead of you in line, shake the hand of a military person and thank them for their service, ask you server at a restaurant if you can pray for them in some way, hand out umbrellas in a rain storm (they are only $1 at Dollar Tree), just be polite even if you are in a bad mood. Thank God for another day!!!