We are in for a lot of rain and perhaps wind as Hurricane Ingrid makes landfall in Tampico, Mexico. So far today it has rained off and on all day - sometimes in a huge downpour. We went to church this morning and then got everything done we needed to in town and are now snuggled down in the comfort of our home. As we were going to church this morning, we saw part of a huge rainbow - beautiful colors peeking in and out of the clouds. To us it is always a wonder to see a rainbow, but imagine what Noah thought??? He had been through building and ark?, rain?, a flood? all of which were very new to him. But then, how would we feel if we saw a UFO - just like Noah when he saw the rainbow. " I have set My rainbow in the clouds, and it will be a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth". Genesis 9:13
The hummingbirds are definitely increasing in numbers and types. Some are the ruby throat type, some have orange-red breasts, some are more mundane color, some are tiny, some are large. It is funny to watch the "local" hummers try to defend their turf from the transients!!! They sit on awnings and wait until an intruder tries to get to the feeder - then they dive him, hopefully chasing him away. But then later, there are 6 of them at the feeder, all enjoying the sweet meal.
We had to dog sit this past week for our neighbor, whose wife Bessie had sinus surgery. They have two extremely well-behaved Schnauzers - Missy and Sissy, who are almost identical. It was fun to take them for a walk, enjoying their feeling of being in the out of doors for awhile. Sissy is a bit more shy, but Missy was intent on trying to chase the ducks and rabbits rather than do what she was supposed to do outside. As we started to walk closer to their home, they both became more alert and actually trotted on home. Bessie's surgery was successful, but her recovery is not going as predicted. Please keep her in your prayers as the healing process is taking longer than normal.
Our Cacti are beginning to bloom again, especially one which we have never seen bloom before. With all the rain we have had and are continuing to get, I wonder if it will bloom at all.
you can see the larger bloom coming, the one on the right of the plant has already bloomed |
it blossomed out one day, by the next day it was gone |
we are very interested to see how this bud is going to turn out |
We had a very delicious breakfast, compliments of one of our residents, this last Wednesday - a French toast bake, an egg & sausage bake, an egg & bacon bake, biscuits and gravy, orange juice and coffee. The park workers were also invited to this fun time of fellowship and great food.
a few enjoying the delicious breakfast - some of those not shown were busy filling their plates in the kitchen.
We did work a half day at the resale store in Pharr, as one summer volunteer was called home to Pennsylvania on a medical emergency. As you tell, we already have our Halloween and Thanksgiving items on the shelves for sale.

shelves look like fall - notice the empty ones in the background - ready for - yep - Christmas!

perky pilgrims and Indians waiting for the turkey

notice the beautiful colors - the whole office is aglow with color - these clothes are all 50 cents each - a real bargain
This is my very favorite season of the year, mostly because of the colors!!! It is a time for cleaning out the garden, canning, freezing, and stocking up for winter. When we lived in Wisconsin, we had a large garden which we planted every year. Our four daughters as they grew older finally realized that we were not overly fond of such a large area to care for during the summer, but that it was a way of keeping them busy and out of trouble!!! I did love the feeling of a successful harvest - all those full canning jars lined up, just waiting to be used. As we attended church this morning, Pastor Israel's sermon was all about the Law of the Harvest (what goes around comes around, or, you reap what you sow). I was so glad that we sowed heavily in our garden to insure a bountiful crop, rather than do so sparingly and have no produce. So it is also in our giving to our Lord and Savior and others. We cannot outgive God. We should give quietly and secretly, with a generous and loving heart. This does not only mean with our tithes and offerings, but our time and talents. "Remember this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously". 2 Corinthians 9:6 Count your blessings, God gives us life, health, food shelter, everything we need, so we should always count our blessings and give as God prompts us to give
You will have to excuse me for the next picture. These precious baby girls are God's miracles. Our great grand daughters, Kinley and Kenzie, are growing and thriving, despite the bronchial infection they have both had this past week. Again, I thank each and every one of you who prayed for them before they were born - prayer is so powerful and prayers are indeed answered.
different colored nukes and earrings help their parents tell them apart!
Please keep all of those in harm's way of Hurricane Ingrid in your prayers this week.
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