Ditto from last week - Sunday again already. But a wonderful Sunday. I am sure Pastor Israel's sermon this morning touched everyone. "The Words We Speak" reminded us that we have the power over our tongue - that our ability to speak is a gift from God and the words we speak should glorify Him. How many times have we spoken something, then wished we never would have said it??? Or that our words were misinterpreted and a chasm between us and some other person became wider and wider??? In times of stress it is hard to hold our tongue when we feel that we have been wronged in some way - or someone says something to makes our tempers boil. Let us keep our hearts in the spirit of God, as "For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks". Matthew 12:34
Last week I mentioned that we are expecting a new great granddaughter in January. Last Sunday our granddaughter, Casey, revealed what she was having in a very unique way - she had a cake made with a huge question mark, decorated in pink and blue. When she cut the cake the pink frosting revealed a girl. What a cool way to reveal.
is it a boy or girl???? |
pink is for girls
We had a lot of rain again this past week - yesterday afternoon it felt like the sky opened and God dumped every bucket He of rain He could find - no warnings or anything. It just started a downpour of much needed rain. The lawns in the park are green and lush - and so are the weeds - my project for tomorrow. Today it rained again while we were in church - it is so cooling to see the streets wet with rain and the sun shining. People just stand and watch with smiles on their faces and thanksgiving in their hearts for this welcome relief from the drought. The hummingbirds are starting to slowly migrate so I imagine we will have to put up another feeder. As the rain poured down yesterday, the tiny birds were in a feeding frenzy. One little guy sat out on the feeder in the rain the whole time - just watching the rain and feeling pretty much like the king of the hill
you can see the rain in the background -
Friday we worked at CHI in Pharr at their fall 50 cent sale - just about everything for 50 cents - clothes, VCR's, electrical cords, pillows, etc. It was fun seeing old friends again as they came in and shopped for bargains - I even found a couple of pieces of clothing for myself - almost new. I was really impressed with myself when a lot of the customers asked questions in Spanish, and I knew what they were saying - but could only briefly answer. I need to set aside time every day to practice and study. Believe it or not, Fred worked in the boutique where the name brand slightly higher priced items were. He even managed to sell some items.
As the time draws closer for our Alamo Park friends return from their Northern homes, we too are getting prepared to serve them as assistant chaplains. We have already visited some in the hospital, sent cards to those who lost loved ones or are ill, and just prayed for the safe travels of those returning. Even though we enjoy the peace and quiet in the park right now, we look forward with anticipation to a busy enjoyable, upcoming season with Chaplain Bill and Ali Artherholt.
We enjoy an afternoon luncheon at Trevinos, with neighbors Ron and Carole at least once a year before all the excitement begins, so imagine our surprise when Ron e-mailed me and directed me to Trevinos website - lo and behold, there was a picture of us, the Chaplains Maloney, and Chaplain Don Baker!!!! How in world did it get there and who took the picture?? I vaguely remember Don's wife Lavon taking picture over a year ago, but how did it wind up advertising Trevinos??? A huge mystery. Check out Trevinos Edinburgh for yourself!!! If not - here is the picture - hmmm, wonder if we get some compensation?
As I leave you this week, please keep our country and it's leaders in your prayers as they make serious decisions in the upcoming week. We also ask for prayer for our friend, Darlene, who was just diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease.
And remember, "Set guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips". Psalm 141:3
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