We woke up to cloudy day, a bit humid but great for a Sunday morning. As I went out to pick up the morning paper, I noticed that the Winter Texans are starting to return. Looking across the lake I saw one couple who must have just gotten in opening up their trailer - another couple has been here for over a week now. Our quiet Sunday mornings are coming to end I do believe,
I am excited about an upcoming baby shower in Reynosa, Mexico this Saturday - no men allowed!!! It will be interesting as it seems to be going to be an old fashioned shower for one of the house parents - Susan - a lovely young mother of 3 with number 4, a baby girl, due in November. Her and her husband Juan have been house parents at the Haven for about 2 years now - a very devoted couple intent on helping to change the lives of the kids there. Sounds like this shower will be games, fun, food, and laughter - I wonder how I will do at the games as they probably will be in Spanish!!!! I am truly looking forward to it. I have made the baby a quilt - well it is almost done. Just needs to be put together and tied, which I will get done this week with the expert assistance of friend Judi. The next project is a quilt for our newest great granddaughter due in January - I already have the fabric and am ready to get started.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Speed Bump
Sometimes life presents you with a speed bump - sort of a bump in the road that wants to upset your daily routine. However you handle is another matter. Saturday, we woke up to no power. Made a call to the manager - mailbox was full. Called the on-site manager - telephone not connected yet (although they were on site). Neighbors came out, wanted to know if we had coffee yet - nope - power was already off before we got a chance to push the button. Finally contacted someone who alerted the power company - should have power by 8:30 - ok - but still no coffee. Neighbors hollered through the window - "let's go to Whataburger for coffee and a breakfast burrito." YES, because Whataburger has free coffee for seniors. We had a wonderful unexpected fellowship time together, just talking, enjoying our morning coffee, and visiting with a group of high school student council kids who were decorating Whataburger in the school colors as a statement of support for the team. Such energy and enthusiasm. Oh - power was restored by 11:30!!!! But think of what we might have missed out on.
We still have had a lot of rain - so much that on our big cactus blossom became waterlogged and fell off. Mushrooms are growing in every one's yards, and the grass is so long even the feral cats get lost in it. The hummingbirds love the rain and enjoy a feeding frenzy in the downpour. There is a lady in our park who is an avid bird watcher who spent hours in front of our house, just watching and taking pictures of the hummingbirds. I learned so much more about these amazing little creatures from her. She has documented 80 different species of birds here in our park this year so far. I certainly can learn a lot about patience from her!
We pray that all of you have an amazing week, filled with love, blessings, and hope, all granted to you by our Lord.
We still have had a lot of rain - so much that on our big cactus blossom became waterlogged and fell off. Mushrooms are growing in every one's yards, and the grass is so long even the feral cats get lost in it. The hummingbirds love the rain and enjoy a feeding frenzy in the downpour. There is a lady in our park who is an avid bird watcher who spent hours in front of our house, just watching and taking pictures of the hummingbirds. I learned so much more about these amazing little creatures from her. She has documented 80 different species of birds here in our park this year so far. I certainly can learn a lot about patience from her!
We pray that all of you have an amazing week, filled with love, blessings, and hope, all granted to you by our Lord.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
We are in for a lot of rain and perhaps wind as Hurricane Ingrid makes landfall in Tampico, Mexico. So far today it has rained off and on all day - sometimes in a huge downpour. We went to church this morning and then got everything done we needed to in town and are now snuggled down in the comfort of our home. As we were going to church this morning, we saw part of a huge rainbow - beautiful colors peeking in and out of the clouds. To us it is always a wonder to see a rainbow, but imagine what Noah thought??? He had been through building and ark?, rain?, a flood? all of which were very new to him. But then, how would we feel if we saw a UFO - just like Noah when he saw the rainbow. " I have set My rainbow in the clouds, and it will be a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth". Genesis 9:13
The hummingbirds are definitely increasing in numbers and types. Some are the ruby throat type, some have orange-red breasts, some are more mundane color, some are tiny, some are large. It is funny to watch the "local" hummers try to defend their turf from the transients!!! They sit on awnings and wait until an intruder tries to get to the feeder - then they dive him, hopefully chasing him away. But then later, there are 6 of them at the feeder, all enjoying the sweet meal.
We had to dog sit this past week for our neighbor, whose wife Bessie had sinus surgery. They have two extremely well-behaved Schnauzers - Missy and Sissy, who are almost identical. It was fun to take them for a walk, enjoying their feeling of being in the out of doors for awhile. Sissy is a bit more shy, but Missy was intent on trying to chase the ducks and rabbits rather than do what she was supposed to do outside. As we started to walk closer to their home, they both became more alert and actually trotted on home. Bessie's surgery was successful, but her recovery is not going as predicted. Please keep her in your prayers as the healing process is taking longer than normal.
Our Cacti are beginning to bloom again, especially one which we have never seen bloom before. With all the rain we have had and are continuing to get, I wonder if it will bloom at all.
We had a very delicious breakfast, compliments of one of our residents, this last Wednesday - a French toast bake, an egg & sausage bake, an egg & bacon bake, biscuits and gravy, orange juice and coffee. The park workers were also invited to this fun time of fellowship and great food.
The hummingbirds are definitely increasing in numbers and types. Some are the ruby throat type, some have orange-red breasts, some are more mundane color, some are tiny, some are large. It is funny to watch the "local" hummers try to defend their turf from the transients!!! They sit on awnings and wait until an intruder tries to get to the feeder - then they dive him, hopefully chasing him away. But then later, there are 6 of them at the feeder, all enjoying the sweet meal.
We had to dog sit this past week for our neighbor, whose wife Bessie had sinus surgery. They have two extremely well-behaved Schnauzers - Missy and Sissy, who are almost identical. It was fun to take them for a walk, enjoying their feeling of being in the out of doors for awhile. Sissy is a bit more shy, but Missy was intent on trying to chase the ducks and rabbits rather than do what she was supposed to do outside. As we started to walk closer to their home, they both became more alert and actually trotted on home. Bessie's surgery was successful, but her recovery is not going as predicted. Please keep her in your prayers as the healing process is taking longer than normal.
Our Cacti are beginning to bloom again, especially one which we have never seen bloom before. With all the rain we have had and are continuing to get, I wonder if it will bloom at all.
you can see the larger bloom coming, the one on the right of the plant has already bloomed |
it blossomed out one day, by the next day it was gone |
we are very interested to see how this bud is going to turn out |
We had a very delicious breakfast, compliments of one of our residents, this last Wednesday - a French toast bake, an egg & sausage bake, an egg & bacon bake, biscuits and gravy, orange juice and coffee. The park workers were also invited to this fun time of fellowship and great food.
You will have to excuse me for the next picture. These precious baby girls are God's miracles. Our great grand daughters, Kinley and Kenzie, are growing and thriving, despite the bronchial infection they have both had this past week. Again, I thank each and every one of you who prayed for them before they were born - prayer is so powerful and prayers are indeed answered.
different colored nukes and earrings help their parents tell them apart!
Please keep all of those in harm's way of Hurricane Ingrid in your prayers this week.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Ditto from last week - Sunday again already. But a wonderful Sunday. I am sure Pastor Israel's sermon this morning touched everyone. "The Words We Speak" reminded us that we have the power over our tongue - that our ability to speak is a gift from God and the words we speak should glorify Him. How many times have we spoken something, then wished we never would have said it??? Or that our words were misinterpreted and a chasm between us and some other person became wider and wider??? In times of stress it is hard to hold our tongue when we feel that we have been wronged in some way - or someone says something to makes our tempers boil. Let us keep our hearts in the spirit of God, as "For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks". Matthew 12:34
Last week I mentioned that we are expecting a new great granddaughter in January. Last Sunday our granddaughter, Casey, revealed what she was having in a very unique way - she had a cake made with a huge question mark, decorated in pink and blue. When she cut the cake the pink frosting revealed a girl. What a cool way to reveal.
Last week I mentioned that we are expecting a new great granddaughter in January. Last Sunday our granddaughter, Casey, revealed what she was having in a very unique way - she had a cake made with a huge question mark, decorated in pink and blue. When she cut the cake the pink frosting revealed a girl. What a cool way to reveal.
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is it a boy or girl???? |
Sunday, September 1, 2013
September already
I cannot believe that another Sunday is almost gone - it seems like it was just Monday. Guess it really is true that as a person gets older, the time goes faster. It certainly seems so. I remember when I was a young child, going to school, thinking that summer would never get here, or that Christmas was a long time away. As I got older, I wished I was old enough to get my driver's license, or get a job, or could hardly wait until I was 18 to "be on my own". How foolish that was!!! When we were young parents, how we often wished our kids were older, able to help care for themselves. Now they are grandparents themselves. Pastor Israel spoke about this very thing this morning in services - his sermon was "You're alive - learn to live" struck so close to home. We had a ladies Bible study on being content in your spot where you are in life right now. Between understanding God's place for you and learning to live, we CAN be content in the present, living life like we should, as God wants us to. I have strived to live for the day - to take each hour as a gift from God, and make the most of it. Finishing various unfinished projects, looking for ways to serve Our Savior, and thanking God for every day are on my agenda from now on!
The other day we had a fast and furious downpour - one minute the sun was shining, the next the wind blew and the rain poured down. Soon afterwards, the sun came out, while another storm was brewing, so I took my camera, looking for a rainbow - God's promise to Noah. I didn't see one but realized that we don't need visual proof of God's amazing power and promise - our faith does that for us.
We made a trip to CHI with deliveries of items for the resale shop. Director Betsy Chacon told us of some of the new children coming into the home - stories so horrific that it is hard to believe. 3 children came from one family where there was sexual and physical abuse to the extent that the father actually threw the youngest child and cracked his skull. The mother was to the point that she was ready to end her life and the lives of her children, just to save them from more abuse. But they are now safe in a Casa in Reynosa, where we pray that patience and love will again bring trust to these precious children. Hopefully, we can instill in them that God loves them with a never ending love, and that they just need to lean on this love. We are anxious to meet all of these children - I believe there are 12 in all - each with stories that we find unbelievable. We cannot save them all, but for every one we save, there is a peace in our heart.
It has been quiet here in the park, but planning for the coming season has kept us busy. A lot of changes will make for a very interesting year!!! With the coming of the new Chaplain, Bill and Ali Artherholt, our new position as assistant Chaplains, new church music program, an amazing new ladies spiritual retreat, and exciting plans for ladies Bible study keep us on our toes. We thank God for this opportunity to serve Him, and pray for the energy to continue to so.
Great news - we found out today that our new great grandchild, due in January, is a girl! So that will make a total 3 great granddaughters and one great grandson for us. Who knew that a scrawny, very nearsighted, bratty kid from Chicago would wind up where I am today - a very proud mother of 4 amazing daughters, 6 awesome grandchildren, and soon to be 4 great grandchildren, serving God in South Texas!!! God certainly has a sense of humor.
Two prayer requests this week:
first and foremost - pray for our country and it's involvement in Syria - pray for wisdom for our president and Congress to proceed in the correct direction which will be for the best interests for everyone.
Pray for Sycamores Community Church - where Chaplain Dennis and Sally Maloney are working very hard to establish a church and community outreach in Oklahoma. Ask the Lord to bless their endeavor. Pray for funds needed for this project, that God will continue to rain His favor on everyone involved.
The other day we had a fast and furious downpour - one minute the sun was shining, the next the wind blew and the rain poured down. Soon afterwards, the sun came out, while another storm was brewing, so I took my camera, looking for a rainbow - God's promise to Noah. I didn't see one but realized that we don't need visual proof of God's amazing power and promise - our faith does that for us.
one rainstorm down with, sun shining, but another storm coming |
We made a trip to CHI with deliveries of items for the resale shop. Director Betsy Chacon told us of some of the new children coming into the home - stories so horrific that it is hard to believe. 3 children came from one family where there was sexual and physical abuse to the extent that the father actually threw the youngest child and cracked his skull. The mother was to the point that she was ready to end her life and the lives of her children, just to save them from more abuse. But they are now safe in a Casa in Reynosa, where we pray that patience and love will again bring trust to these precious children. Hopefully, we can instill in them that God loves them with a never ending love, and that they just need to lean on this love. We are anxious to meet all of these children - I believe there are 12 in all - each with stories that we find unbelievable. We cannot save them all, but for every one we save, there is a peace in our heart.
It has been quiet here in the park, but planning for the coming season has kept us busy. A lot of changes will make for a very interesting year!!! With the coming of the new Chaplain, Bill and Ali Artherholt, our new position as assistant Chaplains, new church music program, an amazing new ladies spiritual retreat, and exciting plans for ladies Bible study keep us on our toes. We thank God for this opportunity to serve Him, and pray for the energy to continue to so.
Great news - we found out today that our new great grandchild, due in January, is a girl! So that will make a total 3 great granddaughters and one great grandson for us. Who knew that a scrawny, very nearsighted, bratty kid from Chicago would wind up where I am today - a very proud mother of 4 amazing daughters, 6 awesome grandchildren, and soon to be 4 great grandchildren, serving God in South Texas!!! God certainly has a sense of humor.
Two prayer requests this week:
first and foremost - pray for our country and it's involvement in Syria - pray for wisdom for our president and Congress to proceed in the correct direction which will be for the best interests for everyone.
Pray for Sycamores Community Church - where Chaplain Dennis and Sally Maloney are working very hard to establish a church and community outreach in Oklahoma. Ask the Lord to bless their endeavor. Pray for funds needed for this project, that God will continue to rain His favor on everyone involved.
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