I love free stuff, don't you??? I mean really truly free? This past week I got 2 free samples of very expensive perfume - nice generous samples, too. But were they free? I had purchased some after shave for Fred, so I got them "free". How about the "buy one, get one free offer"? Most of the time, the price of one is inflated to cover the cost of the other one. A person has to be a really informed consumer in order to not be tricked into believing that free is not always free. We were ready for a "free" update on our phones - but the update was going to cost us $30 each phone for an "update fee", a $10 fee each phone for switching our contacts to the new phone, and an additional $35 each phone fee to activate the phones - a total of $150 for an advertised "free" update. After a series of phone calls to the wireless company, I managed to get all these fees waived - an annoying time consuming afternoon for me. Those TV advertisements that offer a "free credit rating report", but then demand credit card info before proceeding to retrieve the info for you. Just a few of the ways consumers are taken in by advertising schemes. So it is that many people are taken in by false prophets or those people claiming to be Christians in order to entice you to join their "church" or to follow their religious beliefs. "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing , but inwardly they are ferocious wolves". Matthew 7:15 So what is really free???? The answer is so simple that it almost seems impossible to believe.
God's grace is free, it falls like rain on everyone, continuously and equally. Unless we receive it, it falls off like water from duck's back.
All physical check-ups have been completed, all results are good, as we are packed and ready to leave tomorrow morning for South Texas where we change gears and prepare for the coming season at Alamo Rec Veh Park with new chaplain Bill Arthurholt and wife Ali, as wll as our new position as assistant chaplains. As Pastor Vance said this morning in his sermon, "we do not know what our future holds, but know who holds our future." Children's Haven International and Great Oaks Food and Clothing Ministry is also waiting there for us with promises of involvement in other areas. Great Oaks is praying for land in order to expand their ministry, and Children's Haven is always needing help: physical, spiritual, as well as monetarily. We thank everyone for their support and love as we continue along the way God has laid out for us. May we always have a positive testimony in every negative situations.
Our great granddaughters are progressing well, growing like little weeds after a summer rain. It is fun to listen to relatives as they try to determine correctly which one is Kenzie and which one is Kinley. Their Daddy even got them confused yesterday. Their grandpa Scott Wilken holds the record for correctly identifying them each time. Our thanks to each and every one of you for your prayers for them - God heard and answered.
our daughter Christine as a proud grandma |
grandpa Scott - who correctly identifies the girls |
not to be left out - our great grandson Avery, born in January
We also have another great grand due in January 2014. Growing older and being great grandparents reminds us that life indeed is short here on earth, and that the world is watching all that we do - may everything we do be a reflection of God and His marvelous works. My next blog will be from Alamo, Texas, so pray for us - for safe travels, and the strength, ability and knowledge to do as God wishes, not to ask why, but ask how.
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