It was a busy week as usual - getting the car ready for our trip back to Texas in two weeks, and taking care of last minute details. Next week we have our yearly physicals and are praying for all good reports. But Saturday was a truly banner day!!!! It was an absolutely gorgeous day in NW Arkansas, starting with breakfast on the patio consisting of biscuits and gravy handmade by daughter Christine. Just relaxing in the perfect morning when the call came in - the twins were being released from the hospital to go home. (Imagine the joy when we ourselves are allowed to go home to join Jesus in heaven). What a miracle - first of all that the girls were born healthy, then to be released to go home 5 weeks before their actual due date - God amazingly answered months of prayers from everyone. At first we all were not going to bother the parents at all on Saturday, but then Grandson Seth called and said to come to see the babies but "let them sleep - do not touch". What???? After two weeks in the hospital with just looking and a tiny touch here and there we were not allowed to actually touch them???? After the 6 of us arrived (Great Aunt Brenda and Todd, Grandma and Grandpa Wilken, and great-grandparents (us) we were told to shhh as we admired the girls in their swings. Page admitted that she could not yet tell them apart so left their arm bands on. Seth could tell the difference and of the six of us visitors, only three were correct. After pleas to "touch" we were allowed to do that - pretty soon Seth said "OK, you can pick them up". Oh, what a privilege - to actually hold two tiny miracles in our arms. Kinley and Kenzie are precious gifts from God - please continue to pray as they grow in lovely young ladies, worthy of God's love and protection. "Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these". Matthew 19:14
Page and Seth in the hospital before the twins came home |
grandson Seth is going to make an amazing father |
Our daughter made this banner and we put it up before the family got home |
Baby Kenzie at home - finally |
Kinley is peacefully snoozing |
great grandpa Fred and Kinley ( I think) |
Tiny Kinley and me
" I rejoiced with those who said to me, let us go to the house of the Lord". Psalm 122:1 Our church service this morning was so comforting as well as challenging, as Andrew Kirschner , Associate Minister, preached from Acts 20:1-38. The book of Acts is all about going out and sharing God's Word and grace with others. According to Andrew, grace is what God does, faith is what we do. Salvation occurs when grace and faith intersect. We absolutely cannot disobey God and have faith. Andrew encouraged us to go out and tell someone this week about God's grace. One of my morning meditations this week talked about a river quietly flowing along - if you want to change the course of the water, throw a rock into it, and watch the water change it's course around it. So we cannot sit on the river bank and watch the river - we need to get into the water!!! In order to make changes in other's lives, as well as follow God's plan laid out for us, we need to change our course. As Andrew encourages us to share God's grace with others, we need to also let our works reflect our faith.
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