It seems this week that we have been bombarded with color. Who named the colors - was it Adam??? Colors seem to have special meanings - green reminds us of green pastures and the serenity in the knowledge that the Lord is our Shepherd, always watching over and protecting us. Red is a vibrant color - the color of the blood shed by Jesus for the redemption of our sins. "Come now let us reason together, says the Lord. Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be white as snow: though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool" Isaiah 1:18. Blue is a soothing color, the color of the sky and heaven beyond. Yellow is sunshine - the brilliant planet separating day from night. And all the colors in between are the colors of the rainbow - God's promise to Noah that He would never destroy the earth again by water. Color is a constant reminder that God is always around us.
The reason I mentioned John Deere Green is that we recently toured a private collection of John Deere tractors (my apologies to red tractor lovers). The family patriarch, Walter Keller, had started collecting them many years ago as a young man and his family has been doing so ever since. We asked him how many he had - oh, about 626 he replied!!! A person needs to make an appointment to see them as they are housed in various sheds and barns around the area. The most amazing thing about the whole situation is that he does not charge anything for the tour (which is a self tour) only asking for a donation for a Christian camp that he and his family are involved with. Guess our first clue to his commitment to Jesus was his cap which stated "I love Jesus" with Scripture verse from John 3:16. We spent about 2 hours there, visiting with him and looking at John Deere as well as a few other well known name pieces of equipment. Many of them were 1st or last production, or even very rare models as was one that was used in WW II. We also had time to share our mutual commitment to the Lord.
John Deere green, yellow, orange, and red |
Fred's brother Charles checking out a piece of equipment |
a huge piece of equipment |
familiar names |
rows and rows of green |
the big boys |
a field work horse |
this was used in WWII |
older retired workers |
pint size
This was also the week-end for the strawberry festival in the small town from where I graduated high school. More color inspired - strawberry red.
My sister-in-law is an amazing quilter and she uses color in all her creations. We spent some time checking out fabric at local stores, looking through quilting books, and just enjoying the time spent together. We also volunteered at her church to help set up for a yard sale in order to raise money for the quilting group which makes and donates quilts to various outreaches (much like our church at Alamo Rec Veh). It was a time of fun and fellowship with other Christian women. We took a morning break at which time I was privileged to pray for them and their endeavors. And yes, I did find a treasure or two for myself.
many items to be sorted and priced
church ladies working hard
tables are filling up
sister-in-law Susan hanging clothes and sorting items
A stately pine tree stands in Fred's brother's yard, along with apple trees of all varieties and even peach trees. We had my personal favorite treat of the season - warm rhubarb sauce, thanks to Susan and her amazing rhubarb patch. Rhubarb custard pie was also on the menu!!
one of the many apple trees and a majestic pine of N Central Wisconsin
It has been an awesome week for us, with the Lord answering many of our prayers. The answered prayers and feeling of peace that surrounds us as we continue to serve Him is a constant reminder that He, indeed, is in charge. Our chaplain recently sent us a book by Mark Batterson entitled The Circle Maker, along with a prayer journal. One of the quotes from the journal says, "Prayer is the difference between the best you can do and the best God can do". Be bold in your prayers, be specific, and pray without ceasing. God hears you and answers - you just need to be still and listen.
Tomorrow is Father's Day so as we celebrate and honor our earthly fathers, let us never forget our heavenly Father, who created each and every one of us in His image, and loves us beyond our understanding.
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