proud Dad with Connie and Chandra
The weather here in Wisconsin has been cool and extremely wet and stormy. One
afternoon as we were under a tornado watch we watched the storms clouds as they rolled in. I noticed a white line of what I thought was rain coming across the field when I realized that it was not rain but hail! We stood under the patio roof as the hail hailed down (sorry for that) in large hailstones, then became smaller as they looked like popcorn bouncing off the roof. Luckily we had no damage, but some folks had their gardens stripped.
a line of thunderstorms
getting darker
and the hail came down
the sky was white with hail
pretty good size hailstones
as I turned around after the storm, the blue sky appeared through the clouds, reminding us of God's promise to Noah in Genesis 9:21-22
Some of my favorite things in Wisconsin, other than family and friends, are cheese and rhubarb. Everyone grows rhubarb - there always is an abundance to share with those not so lucky to have a few "pie plants" around their house or in their garden. Nothing tastes as good as warm rhubarb sauce, or rhubarb pie (plain, custard, and rhubarb-strawberry), or torte, or cake, or even jam. Even eaten with a piece of delicious Wisconsin cheese. We visit the cheese factory often, purchasing freshly made cheese. We don't purchase in large amounts, because it really tastes so much better fresh. I often wonder who discovered that rhubarb was good to eat (it is very sour without adding sugar), or who discovered how to make such a good nutritious food as cheese. God provided everything for us and gave us everything we need to survive. All we have to do is take advantage of His provision. "Then God said, "I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth, and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. they will be yours for food." Genesis 1:29

our favorite cheese factory - Dupont

cheese makers hard at work

machines for making rounds of cheese

blocks of American cheese

too many choices - this is just a portion of coolers
My sister-in-law loves to create - as well as knitting, she loves to create any thing that grabs her fancy. She always made Christmas ornaments for the family, often giving homemade gifts for all occasions. This year she was interested in yard art - yard decorations made from Goodwill (also yard sale) glasses, dishes, etc. We started a project, but because it takes 24 hours to dry, did not complete them (I will finish mine in Texas). As we worked, we discovered just moving a dish or glass to a different position could change the whole look of the piece. We scoured different resale shops for treasures, delighting in our great 50 cent finds.
the first steps of our projects
my sister-in-laws angel art
While we were at Fred's sister's house, her husband's brother passed away quite unexpectedly at the age of 61. We were able to visit him a short time before his death, ministering to and praying for him and with his family. Please pray for the family of Bill Janke that they find comfort in the knowledge that he is with our heavenly Father and no longer in pain and suffering.
We again attended Bible Truth Chapel this morning ( sorry for the incorrect name in an earlier post) with Pastor Eric Shelley. Pastor Eric started a study on the book of Nehemiah by walking (or perhaps trotting) through the history of the Old Testament in order to bring us to the book of Nehemiah. Dealing with opposition from those we expect it as well as from those we don't expect it was a profound statement that really a huge thought for me to ponder on. Dealing with the expected is much easier than dealing with the unexpected. Learning to learn on God in faith is the answer. I really enjoyed Pastor Eric journey this morning as I find it easier to study the Bible if I understand the what has lead up to the particular book. The worship music and friendliness of the congregation reminded us of our home church in Arkansas which made us feel very comfortable.
This is going to be our last week here in Wisconsin when we will return to Arkansas for physical check-ups before returning to the Valley and our ministry there. We look forward to serving the Lord and following the path He has laid out for us.
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