It is very cold, rainy, and damp in Wisconsin right now. We had forgotten how it was to wear layers of clothes just to keep warm. We do feel like we have developed web feet just to be able to walk through the water after the continual rain. Once in awhile the sun peeks through, teasing us with it's warmth. Even in church this morning the minister commented on having the heat on in June!!! Regardless of the rain and gloom, God still provides us with glimpses of His creation - instead of bemoaning the weather, we were out and about and totally surprised with the many blessing He allows us to see. Driving around the area, we are amazed at the fields, the cows, the deer, turkeys, geese - all the wildlife that abounds. Even the turtles in the field. Yep, you read that right - while driving yesterday we saw a huge turtle in the middle of a field. Hmmmm - try as we could, we never did figure that one out. I know I have used this verse before, but it always comes back to me when I look around "How many are your works, Oh Lord. In wisdom you made them all: the earth is full of your creatures." Psalm 104:24
the flooded fields - |
this corn may not even grow
the huge turtle in the field - doing what???
a goose family on a mound of earth in a local mill pond
we saw this majestic eagle in a field guarding his kill
a beautiful doe against a background of pines
The rainy weather allowed us time to visit with relatives and enjoy the time together. We spent a week with Fred's cousin and her husband with the purpose of Fred and Ed being able to fish all day - well, that never happened. It was cold and rainy all but one day when they did get a few hours of fellowship time together (and caught only 15 fish). Being a bit bored, we decided that we would make rosettes (I have not had any of those in years). We worked all afternoon making and eating dozens of them, watching the rain outside.
the first batch done!
we sprinkled them with cinnamon and sugar - my mother used to shake powdered sugar over them
Cousin Kathryn busy frying - Ed took them off the iron, I sprinkled the sugar, and Fred stacked
Fred does a great stacking job
Most of Fred's relatives live in this area, so one day the women cousins and cousins wives decided to get together for a day of genealogy. We all met at one cousin's with all our papers, pictures, etc. for a lunch, time of fellowship, and sharing. It was a fun afternoon, reliving the past, gathering new information, remembering those who had gone before us. I am sure every one of us learned a new piece of family history, bits of information not known before, as well as revealing family stories that some of the Moms never knew about. "If anyone dos not provide for his relatives: and especially for his immediate family, he has denied his faith, and is worse than an unbeliever".
I Timothy 5:8 We need to become involved with all family members so that we can be aware of those in need, both spiritually and physically, and be able to somehow provide for their needs.
Aunt Avis on the left - the only one of that generation left - a wealth of information
Sister-in-law Dorothy asking a questions - "who was",,,,,???
listening as Aunt Avis tells a story
ok - who is this in the picture and where was it taken?
Cousin Sandy wondering?
Fred's family mostly live in the area and are quite close. They hold a family breakfast at a local restaurant every second Saturday of the month which we were able to attend. Again we greeted some of those we had not seen in a year and had a wonderful time of family fellowship and fun, as well as a great breakfast. Many of us had eggs Benedict (the special of the day) which was excellent.
We also we able to attend the baseball tournaments of Cousin Kathryn's grandson, Trevor. He is 10 years right now and is a really awesome player. As the games were played all day I was truly amazed and excited to see the involvement and dedication of the parents, teaching their sons how to be good sportsman, encouraging them even when they strike out, leading by example. Just as we, as Christians, should not be Sunday Christians, but letting our every action be an example of the Christian way of life. When our hands become His hands, we allow others to see the cross.
I've got it
here comes a grounder
and it's a hit
pitch!! notice the tongue is always out
good sportsmanship
"Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled. In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech than cannot be condemned..." Titus 2:6