Monday, October 11, 2021

October Chill

 BRR - it's a chilly cool October morning, but has now warmed up to be a beautiful day. So far the weather has been perfect - cool breezes and warm sunshine. It is called Fall for a reason - all of the leaves start to fall off the trees. In England they tend to still call it autumn from the Latin word Autumus, with the root of the word  having connotations regarding the passing of the year - where here in America we call it fall. I tried to catch the shower of leaves falling falling from the trees during a strong breeze, but no luck. 

 So many kids are getting excited about trick or treat coming up at the end of the month. Again, this too, has changed. We were able to hand out homemade popcorn balls, cookies, etc. Now it seems that the parents have to be so careful what their child received or where they go. We as parents, used to dress up in costume (one year I was Snoopy) to hand out goodies, decorate our homes and garages as scary Halloween haunted areas, and, because we were from WI, make the costumes big enough to fit over snowsuits. Guess these are the musings of an older, mature age (notice I steered away from saying old folks). Thank goodness for wonderful memories.

On a positive note, God is good and we trust in Him.

Remember Peter Pan's  Syndrome - "I don't want to grow up"? Guess that is how we feel as we age. Remember back when you were young and could not wait to turn 16 to drive, or to be old enough to wear make-up or begin to date? Or to finish school, get a good job, get marred, have kids? Then waiting for the kids to grow up and leave home, or until you could retire? Time goes by so quickly as a person gets older. We need to be childlike in God, but certainly not childish. When you grow up in salvation there is a different relationship with our Lord. It changes how you interact with others. There are two Greek words for love -  agapi and phillia. Phillia means a brotherly type of love ( Philadelphia, the city of  love), agapi is a commitment type of love, (I will love you forever). If we are grown up in faith, we have both types of love. If we grow up in salvation, we live for what matters in eternity, and not in this world. the things of this world come and go, they tend to alter or thinking and perspective on life. The morality over mortality is what it is all about. We need to figure out what is really important in our lives. All there really is is God and people. We crave the pure spiritual milk of the Word. We should always want to need the truth of the Word - have a healthy attitude for the things of God. If you want to grow up in the Lord, you need to change your thinking. When your imagination and your will come into conflict, your imagination will win. The enemy wants to keep you from the understanding of God's truth. Think about what you think about. We have to capture our imagination and think of it as a gift from God, not letting you feel insecure. The Word had to transform our minds. Get rid of old thoughts that pull you down because of your new birth to crave the Word of God. Forsake the old way of life because of your relationship with God. Break the cycle of self pity because of your new life in God. You are a new creation in Christ. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results!

Have  a wonderful, blessed week and never regret growing up and in Christ. 



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