Sunday, May 16, 2021

More Storms

Yesterday we had another storm, just as bad as the one we had earlier, except there was no wind. It rained and rained and rained.  (A real gully washer). It poured so hard you could not even see out the front window. The lake is totally full - much more water than it has had all year. Lots of flooded streets, but not impassable. The plants and trees loved it though. As we drove around, some of the orchards are coming back - the older trees do not look so great, but the newer ones look reallly good. Of course, it will take 2 years before they produce. It was sad to see some orchards totally pushed down - at  least one is being prepared for housing. What a shame. 

It was a busy week as we spent every day cleaning up some storage areas and taking the food to the church where  from where the distribution is going to be. The last load of beans was put in pails, brought home, bagged and boxed (thanks Miss Linda), and taken to the church. It was a lot of loading and lifting but are sure glad it is done.

   load of food for the colonia delivery - lots of farm to  family boxes which include meat and daily products
1000# of beans - those are 5gallon pails Fred and I packed, plus a baby green pail

Claudia - a beautiful name that a person still hears often today. Her name actually means lame. Her claim to fame comes more from tradition than from the Bible. She was known to be from one of the great houses in Rome, an honorable and noted woman. She was associated with Paul and her church who helped sent encouraged Timothy by sending him Christian greetings. Some scholars suggest that she was the wife of Pudens and the mother of Linus, who became a bishop in Rome. Some others suggest that she was the wife of Pilate. All that the Bible tells us of her is that she was among the devout women who encouraged Paul in his work for the Lord. 

As Vance is continuing through his series on marriage, today he focused in in traditional marriage vows. Love, honor and obey until death due us part. Commitment is the front runner in any marriage. Marriage in our churches is under attack . The church stands for what marriage is and how it exists. Marriage is romance, reality, resentment, and rebellion. How do you grow a marriage with a continued intimacy - a true lasting marriage? It can happen but you have to do it God's way. Most people get married without a plan and think all will go well. God has a blueprint on how to  make your marriage grow. "submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ". Ephesian 5:21. Satan wants to use every influence to destroy marriage. We have to honor, respect, and be sacrificial to one another. God shows us how to love and cherish one another until death does us part in Ephesians 5. Ephesians has the longest passage on marriage.  We believe the Bible is the Word of God, so we believe what He says about marriage. We like what it says about what is expected about our spouses, but not necessarily what is says about us. Living the way God says is not natural, because as humans we are selfish.  Marriage is a win/win proposition. we have different roles in a marriage, but need to submit to God's plan. We should not be afraid of the passage, as it is not to  make a victim of someone else. It is designed to bring about intimacy between husband and wife. To have intimacy, you have to open your heart to someone else. Wives need to  let their husbands feel respect. A man who feels that respect will demonstrate a loving attitude. #1 need of a woman is security. A man needs to make a woman feel secure.  They do so when they have a sacrificial love towards them. Intimacy is the prize of a marriage. You cannot be intimate unless you open your heart. You will never give your heart to a person threatening you. If you are going to have intimacy in marriage you must have trust. A man trusts a respectful woman, a woman respects a sacrificial  man. 


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