Sunday, March 14, 2021

Peeps Update

I am sure you all are getting tired of my Peeps addiction. Guess if that is my worst vice, you can forgive me. The latest Peeps news - there is a Peeps cereal! No, I have not tried it and do not intend to. I assume it is probably like Lucky Charms. If any of you try it let me know what you think. 

                                                        here it is - available at Wal-Mart

     We again had an awesome week n the colonias - full loads of food and other items on both days. On top of that, we received many donations all week long - we even received 4 cases of hand sanitizer as well as over 50 Farm to Family boxes containing yoghurt, potatoes, apples, precooked chicken patties and more. Along with that we also received several cases of gallons of milk. The usual variety of veggies were plentiful along with sliced lunch meat, Jack fruit and cactus. The people just love the cactus - one of our ladies took the left overs and promised to bring me something on Tuesday - either cactus fried with eggs or made into a delicious salad. I bagged two large bags of donuts as well as two bag of kolaches. Then the worst job of all was delegated to me - putting cactus pads into boxes for the people. Oh dear, I had no heavy gloves so I carefully and daintily  picked up the cactus pads, only pricking my fingers a few times. The people just go crazy over this stuff!!!


                                       I had 4 crates to pack - the  people were so happy

Baara was a Moabite whom Shahariam, a Benjamite, married when he went to the land of Moab. Husbaim was his other wife, Braara's name has an interesting connection and is derived from Beera, meaning to burn. This was an allusion to the  kindling of fires as beacons to announce the appearance of a new moon. She is referenced in I Chronicles 8:8. 

We had our last CRM Chaplains meeting this last Saturday - I cannot believe the season is almost over here in S Texas. A lot of folks have already left and I am sure many more will leave before Easter. Our organization has really been hit with medical problems this year - Satan is not happy with the progress we have made in spreading the Word. One new chaplain had to return to Michigan to receive a liver and kidney transplant, one had a bad reaction to the covid shot, one had 2 knee replacements, while his wife had to return home for medical treatment. Another chaplain's wife is in early stages of dementia. But in spite of all of this, they continue to serve each Sunday with a message from the Lord - some in person and the rest online. It has been trying year for all of them,  but they continue to press on. We said goodbye to those who are not returning and welcomed a few who want to become part of us. If you are interested in serving on the Rio Grande Valley as a chaplain in an RV resort for the winter go to and check it out - an application is available online.

Florence Chadwick was the first woman to swim the English Channel and attempted to swim from Catalina Island to the Coast of California - a distance of about 21 miles. Because of the fog, she quit, not realizing that she was only 1 mile from shore. She lost perspective because she could not see the land. This can happen to us. We have been in a fog for over a year now with nothing but uncertainty in our lives. What do you do when the fog rolls in? We tend to take on a victim mentality - blaming and criticizing, which turns into anxiety.  We feel powerless about the world around us. As Christians, we don't have to tune into this uncertainty. Zoe, the Greek word for life, is what Jesus says He is. " Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life". John 8:12. The Jewish leaders accused Jesus of blasphemy. They would not accept His deity so they lived in darkness. Jesus loves us so much that He does not want us to live in darkness - He wants to being us into the light. The Jewish people celebrated the Feast of the Tabernacle by living in tents for a week to remind them of their wandering in the desert. The people would parade to the temple and the priests would get water and pour it on the altar. Jesus told them He was the living water. Then they lit 4 huge candelabras to remind them that God was the pillar of light to lead them. It represented the presence of God who was always with them. Jesus again spoke the words that He was the light of the world. This was a radical claim of His deity. Jesus claimed to be God. Light is a metaphor for God. He reveals the truth about God to us. He exposes the truth about us to ourselves. He reveals the sin in us. He reveals the darkness in us. He reveals the truth about God Himself. . He issues a radical command to follow Him. How do we do that? We trust Him as our Savior and recognize Him as the Lord. We have the promise of His presence, protection, and guidance. We have to decide to follow Jesus as our light. We have the promise of His perspective. Florence made another attempt to swim from Catalina to the California coast despite the intense fog. She pressed forward, focusing on the shore because she knew what was on the other side. We keep moving forward because we too know what is on the other side. 

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