Sunday, November 1, 2020

Please Vote

If you have not voted yet, please do so - your vote does count. It is the privilege we have for living in America. The outcome of this election could change our county forever!!! 

Very quiet here in the park. Every night a small group of golf carts parade the whole park, honking horns with music paying, just to let us know that a few of us are around!! Last night there was a Halloween parade with quite a few decorated golf carts, as well as a few of decorated people. It was a fun distraction these days of Covid and political confusion. Not only did they perk us up, they threw treats at us. Sort of a small town celebration feeling.  Today a few are sailing their RC water craft, with a tent of food for sale and prizes, I think. Trying to make sense out of insanity today.

                              this lady witch was taking along a gentleman who need an electric                                                             cart to get around - fun for him - they tossed us a bag full of goodies
                                                    lots of puppies, too, out for an evening ride.
a few decorations

                                                        these folks outdid themselves  

We are still delivering food to the colonias - although we did have a scare this last week. A lady was not feeling well last week and thought she might have Covid. She went to the doctor who felt that she was ok but had her tested anyway. She came out negative - thank  the Lord. . We are very careful about wearing masks and gloves, using hand sanitizer often, and keeping social distance as well as washing our clothes and showering when we get home  God is good and is watching over us. We continue to have ample food and other items available for all who come to pick it up. We help box it up (something we did not do before) but do now in order to speed the process up and help out the ladies. We even received a large box of individually wrapped candy for a Halloween treat. A small surprise for our people.

Did you know that Abia (or Abiah as she was sometimes called) was an ancestress of Christ? She was the wife of Hezron who was the grandson of Judah who came from the genealogies of Jesus. There seems to be no more information about her, but we hope that she knew and God as her heavenly father.

Speaking of genealogies, my brother took a genealogy test and found out that we are exactly what we thought we were. 50+ % Italian, a bit less of German with a tiny bit of Mongolian which was Hungarian. Also that we have 1200+ living relatives, of whom we know little or nothing about. Our father's family was totally obscure, and my Mother's Italian family was, well, guess you all know about the crazy Italians!!! I do say that with love as I am proud of my heritage, ancestors who came to America and made good for themselves. And that is what America is about today.

2020 will certainly be a year to remember. Covid, hurricanes, the election, and civil unrest all over the country. We all need to be in prayer at this time for our country. even the tone of the county today is different during this election time is contentious to say the least. "No matter the outcome (of the election) let's call off the Civil War". The news, politicians, and the tone of everyone seems to be anger in order to keep all of us riled up. "Your vote is important, but should be the tone of your witness". But, there is more to our witness than our vote. It is not what you say, but how you say it. We have to learn to manage our grace and use that grace in our speech and actions. We need to continue to create respectful debate. Do you want to make a point or make a difference? We can win the battle but lose the war. "Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil by good" Romans 12:21. Instead of bitterness, anger, or revenge, we should be kind to your enemies. Serve them, do something nice for them. Be Biblically correct in all that you do. This is what the Word of God says. We are driven by the spirit not by the flesh. The pattern of the world is to hate, use violence, be disrespectful, and use ugly words. Do not transform to the world. Overcoming evil by doing good is not easy to do, it is possible to be overcome by evil in these ways:
1) we live almost paralyzed because we ae overcome by the barrage of news today. All seems doom and gloom. We can lose sight of God.
2) We compromise and plunge into the reckless lifestyle of our culture today, the theme of which we cannot seem to beat them but need to join them.\
3)We join the mob and be fueled by anger, which just fuels more anger. 
As Christians and God's children, we are different people transformed through Christ . He is the example we follow. We  live empowered by His transformation. We answer to our calling in Christ. To follow Jesus is not easy. We follow the example of Christ. We have to trust in the Father. We need to follow the pattern and send a new tone to our culture. We choose to love, not hate. "When someone strikes against you, don't curse it, don't nurse it, don't rehearse it, but reverse it". Quote from Dr. David Jerimiah. 

Please be in prayer for our CRMI board chairman, Bill Arthurholt, who had a small stroke which has affected his speech. Pray for healing, as his speech is a huge part of his witness.  

Remember - get out there and VOTE if you have not already done so.




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