Sunday, February 9, 2020


Yep, that is what I thought when Fred brought home several boxes - full of 1# bags of shelled walnuts. I never know what God has in store for us! When Freed told our colonia contact, Ida, about the newest contribution, she got very quiet for a minute or so. She then told Fred that she was doing a fund raiser by making cookies to sell and wanted to put nuts in some of them. She prayed and asked the Lord for the funds to purchase them. He answered her prayer - not the way she thought but the way He planned had planned! Isn't God amazing??? That has happened so many times that I should not be surprised, but am always amazed that He knows before we do what we need.

Another gorgeous day here in S Texas. Cool this morning but in the 70's this afternoon. I was outside for a bit and wondered what all the racket was. Birds hollering and squalking all over. It was very windy, so thought they were perhaps complaining that they were grounded and could not fly. I looked at the neighbors trees and saw the blackbirds all sitting there, perhaps patiently waiting for the winds to die down.

a few gathering make a big racket

a bigger congregation in this tree

Yesterday was our second to last Chaplains meeting. It seems impossible that the time has flown by so quickly. The chaplains all asked their parks for donation to Caring Hearts Ministry and came to the meeting bearing their donations. We were astounded how the people responded with all types of canned goods, clothing, blankets, pillows, etc. We unloaded everything when we got home and could not find room in the Texas room to even get around. What a blessing - both to the ministry and those who contributed. We then had to collect some food from another park today - after packing and sorting everything and loading it for delivery tomorrow Fred said that our Texas room went from total insanity to normal again - for a few days anyway.

This morning we went to Ranchero Village Park to make a presentation of Caring Hearts Ministry. This park gone above and beyond to support the ministry - they alone provided all of the canned hams we needed for the Christmas distribution. It was mentioned that the small ham was not enough for a whole family, but the ladies chopped up the ham,  add vegetables and other ingredients, and make a meal for the family for 2 or 4 days. As I gave the presentation and showed some pictures, Pastor Bob Ostermaier's sermon was cut down a bit. He did give a a short message where he impounded on verses from Matthew 25:35-40, "the King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brother of mine, you did for me'". We are called to  life of service. We are not called to live for ourselves, but to reach out to others and lead them to a life in Christ. When you leave your church on Sunday you are really entering the mission field, where you can minister to others just through your actions and words. You are given an opportunity to serve every day, don't miss it.

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