Sunday, January 12, 2020

Keeping Your Feet on the Ground

It was almost a difficult feat this week to keep my feet n the ground as we have had really strong winds here in S Texas - up to 50 miles per hour. I walked up to get the mail and on the way back the wind was blowing from behind me so badly that I had to almost run to keep up. My poor potted plant had blown over a few times before I hid it so the wind could not gt to it. It was fun to watch the huge water birds trying to fly - they would take off and get blown in a different direction for a bit until they caught a different wind drift to try to get where they were going. Even driving on the interstate was difficult because the wind gusts would try to blow the vehicles all over the highway. A tight grip on the wheel was needed. When the wind finally died the weather turned perfect - just the type that the Winter Texans come here to enjoy.

We spent the most of the latter part of last week trying to get caught up and stock pile beans, rice, and clothes as we have given away almost everything at our last big distribution. We received a huge clothing donation and I have packed 14 boxes already with about 7 or 8 more to go. Usually the clothes come in big plastic bags, all wound up together. I sort them into different categories and box them accordingly. Fred will be packing beans and rice tomorrow with the help of our great friend, Linda Smith. She is from a different park, but faithfully comes here to help. Tuesday Fred will take all the boxes to the colonias, as there is a small distribution for some ladies who help sew quilts and other articles. I cannot go along as I have speaking engagement at Ranchero Village as well as a short time to promote Caring Hearts Ministry. Ranchero Village has gone above and beyond in helping the ministry, so this is a bit of a thank you, as well a sa chance for the ladies to fellowship together. I am going to talk to the ladies about 10 women of the Bible that they do not want to be like. We hear so much of the wonderful ladies in the Bible who were so faithful God, but there are a few who really missed the mark of being righteous. It was an interesting topic and fun to research and work on. The ladies I am going to discuss are Eve, Lot's wife, Job's wife, Moses' wife, Rachel, Delilah, Penninah, Michal, Jezebel, and Herodias. Check out their stories and see if you can determine where they went wrong.

The weather was so beautiful this morning as were drove to Mission Bell, (actually our friends drove, we just rode along). Even the birds were singing with joy on the Lord's day. This morning we sang a lot of the old hymns - those that we have heard for years but still love. Pastor Jim spoke to us us attitude and altitude. Sometimes we as humans are so complacent in our lives that we forget that we can soar Ike eagles. We heard quite a few statistics about eagles, - thy can spot a rabbit form 2 miles away, they can survey an area of 5miles square miles, and when they spot their prey, they fold in their wings and can fly up to 200 miles per hour. No wonder the rodents don't even see them coning. It is no wonder we chose this magnificent bird to be the symbol of our country. Changing from the chicken yard to the winds of the earth is not easy. We need to know who we are before we can understand who we are supposed to be. If we are to experience this life to the fullest, we need to understand 3 things. We are created in the image of God, we are spiritual beings, and created to have a relationship with God. We are not like the other animals of creation who exist but are not able to understand who God is and what He has done for us. On order to grow, we need to take in physical and spiritual nourishment. What kind of relationship would you have in your marriage if you gave your spouse the same type of relationship that you have with God? We can depend on God so much more than we can depend on ourselves. The quality of our day depends on our attitude, and that attitude depends on our altitude of it. Are you just a chicken or are you an eagle? We can change the negative to a positive through diagnosis and remedy. Start the day with a positive attitude. examine yourself and eliminate negative attitudes. The Christian life is never easy, but it becomes easier if we think positively. Minimize the negative and maximize the positive. Today is indeed a gift from God. Do you wake up and say, Good morning Lord", or do you say "Good Lord, it's morning"? If God is for us, who can be against us. Switch from a can't to a can attitude. We are AmerICANs!!We can soar like eagles through Jesus. If we wait upon the Lord, we will soar. It doesn't matter when we get to heaven, but the fact that we will get there. Those who wait on the Lord will restore their strength.

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