Sunday, November 17, 2019

Different Cultures

We had our hair cut the other day by our amazing beautician. We have had Margie cut our hair since we came to the valley 15 years ago and she still does a wonderful job. Margie is of Mexican decent and often talks about her early days here in S Texas and is very proud of her nationality. She talks of her and her family traveling as migrant workers to the Northern states to work in the fields Her view of this type of work ethic seemed very different from what most of us are used to. We often think of migrant workers as those who cannot find jobs elsewhere and work for little or nothing in the Northern farm states, but really, this is not true. Here in S Texas, the migrant workers are honored with huge festival in the fall when the migrant workers return to the Valley for the warmer winter month. The workers often work together as families, all of the family members working together for the family good, earning money to help support the family. Margie talks with pride about the many places she and her family have worked and the many places they have been. Now a grown woman with a husband and family, she has an amazing work ethic as a hair stylist while her husband works in the oil fields, coming home every two weeks or so for a few days, then returning to work near Houston. Her son serves in the military in S Dakota, while her daughter holds down a full-time job and takes college course online. Our different cultures are not really so different.  There are those who rely on the system in both cultures, and those who are proud to be self-sufficient. As the weather was cold and rainy, then warming up in the afternoon, Margie told us that the Mexican folks are not like the Winter Texan Caucasians who complain about the weather!! She says they just put on or take off clothing as the need be and continue with their daily living. We all can take a lesson from that.

We received a call from a reporter from The Welcome Home Winter Texan weekly newspaper published for the benefit of the Winter Texans who spend their winter here in S Texas. This paper features activities her in the Valley, including park sales, craft sales, entertainment, church services, etc. at all of the RV Parks here. For a lot of folks this is their S Texas Bible – they want to make sure they know what is going on and where. The lady reporter wants to do a feature of Caring Hearts Ministry in an issue of the paper. We were very excited about this. She is coming along side us this coming Friday to see exactly what we do and how God has led us to serve others. Fred talked to the girls in the colonias (thru Ida of course) and asked permission for this reporter to be there, as well as take pictures. All of the girls were excited about it - laughing and saying that that they had to really “” pretty up” for the occasion. They all asked for copies of the issue when it came out. We always ask permission for anyone who is not part of the ministry to be able to be there for the distribution as these folks are a bit leery of strangers. Thankfully they have put their trust in us to know that we would never do anything without their approval.

Today was the first service at Mission Bell Church, so we attended with friends. Jim Maxson is a very humble and excellent preacher. He and his wife Shirley are servants of the Lord. Today’s sermon “Are You in?” is based on the story from Judges 7:1-8. The Midianites had surrounded Gideon and his people and were threatening to wage war on them. The Lord had allowed this to happen because the Israelites had fallen into sin – but God chose to redeem them by allowing them to overcome the Midianites. The Lord commissioned Gideon to lead an army against the Midianite army of 135,000 with only 32,000 men. God wanted Gideon to overthrow the Midianites but to do so for His glory. So, God told those who were afraid go home – that left Gideon with only 22, 000 warriors, a ratio of 14 to 1! Then God told Gideon to take his army to the water and let them drink. Those who lapped the water like dogs were allowed to remain, the rest were sent home. Now here is the part that I did not know – those who lapped the water like dogs rather than put their faces in the water to drink were the most vigilant of them all. The did not lay down their weapons and become oblivious of their surroundings. Those who lapped the water like dogs held on to their weapons, dipped their hands in the water, lapped like dogs, and yet still kept their eyes and ears alert to where the enemy was. Only 300 hundred remained – a ration of 450-1!!! God did this to prove victory from the Lord and not man. All the technology in today’s world cannot save us – only the Lord can. Those who were eliminated were done so because of personal reasons – those who were selected was because of their conviction. God counts the heart, not the # of people. The Christian people today are diminishing. Are we diligent - are we aware of why we believe? Satan is responsible for bringing problems to people as a lack of awareness on their part.  Do we show the world that we are as committed as the 300? Fear keeps us from committing to God – it will keep us from getting what we want. Faith keeps us committed – this difference is what we think we can do versus what God thinks we can do. Abundant life on earth is the faith we have in God. God expects us to be selfless. This all begins with salvation – keeping your eyes on Jesus. Are you in?? Do you drink form the water of the world or the living water? Continue reading Judges for the rest of the story!

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