Monday, October 14, 2019


Time for great grandparents bragging rights. Last Monday, October 7, our 8th great grandchild (and 5th great granddaughter) Veda DeMarkquie Mylove Vaughn entered this world weighing in at 10lbs. 1 oz. and 21 inches long. A big baby girl with beautiful black hair.  She had a bit of trouble breathing at first and spent a few days in the NICU before being able to be held by her parents. She had to go back to the NICU as a result of being jaundiced, but is now safely at home, being loved by her blended family siblings. When we were married 57 years ago, we never even thought at that time we would have 4 daughters, 6 grandchildren, and 8 great grands. I am sure we never even thought of the future generations that would follow us, but God as so blessed us with a wonderful family – all of them so different in their own right!

We had good distribution this last Friday in the colonias – there was a cool breeze for a while, so the girls worked quickly to finish the boxing of produce, etc. before it got too hot. I again had the donut bagging responsibilities – it seems that the girls do not want me to do any hard work! We distributed the 150# of beans, and 150# of rice, saving some back for an event coming up soon. We also had a few boxes of sorted clothing to be given out at that time. Fred and Jose were busy fixing tables that a few unruly teenage boys thought it was fun to destroy. Hopefully they are remorseful as they realize that it was not a good thing to do. Fred warned them that perhaps the next time it happened, the authorities would be called. With a bit of luck and prayer, they won’t think to do it again.

                                                      The ladies worked hard to fill these boxes

Fred and Jose repairing the damage to one of the tables

still working as the sun begins to heat up - no matter the temp, some ladies always wear long sleeves

A new sermon series has started at church. The congregation was asked to submit their favorite verses which be featured each Sunday. Sometimes verses are taken out of context and create an entirely different meaning, so Pastor Ricky will examine each one and dissect it so that we understand what is being said. Sunday’s verse was from Joshua 24:14-15 “as for me and my Lord. The series is called “Pop Verses, meaning popular verse sometimes misquoted. Preaching has the power to save people. Joshua was a preacher. When he preached this to the people, he was old and did not want his teaching to fade way. Since all of the Israelites had settled in the promised and, they had become lax in their beliefs. God used and continues to use sermons to impact the lives of people, believers and unbelievers. We all take away something different from listening to the Word. God has acted on our behalf and shown us His love. If you don’t give your life to serve the Lord, He chooses to no longer bless you. Put away all of your earthly gods (money and possessions) and focus on God. It is OK to own a beautiful home or car, to have a job that allows you to lead a leisurely life, and a close, loving family, but always put God first and do not let pride come between you and God.  Commit to God’s blessings and realize it all comes from Him. Keep your commitment to Him always first and foremost in your lives. Let not a rock, which is a symbol of our sins, become a stumbling block for us to serve the Lord.

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