Sunday, September 15, 2019


What is really normal? Normal for us may seem quite the contrary to someone else. We traveled to the Valley last Wednesday with a really cool overcast day and very little traffic. Arriving home on the Valley and unpacking took up what was left of the day. We did have to make a stop at Subway for a quick sandwich and then to the store for eggs for breakfast, otherwise no more until the next day. It was a relief to be back home and to try to unwind for a few days before the “normal for us” routine begins. Already we have had to sort clothing and unpack a trailer full of food packets for the colonias – the works began immediately on Thursday.

Our CRMI fall conference and training is coming up in October and now chaplains are signing up for the training, paying their fees, and requesting parking spots for their RV’s or needing housing at Lakewood Park. We have many returning chaplains, as well as a few new ones here in Texas as well as those returning to Arizona and Florida. Our administrative secretary and I (treasurer) are both resigning this year so that will also involve training of those wonderful ladies who will be taking over for us. Many things are changing on our organization as well as most of the RV parks- an end to an era I do believe. Change is good for the most part, so it is good to see new blood taking over during this transition. God has laid a plan out for us and has removed yet another obstacle in the way of our path. Pray that we continue to listen to Him and follow His plan for our lives.

The weather continues to be hot and humid, although it seems as if the 100 degree weather has left, to be replaced by middle and low 90’s. A bit of rain the past two days has really perked up the grass and flowers in anticipation of the return of the Winter Texans in about a month or so.
Attending our Texas church for the first time since returning, we noticed that the attendance was really low – people on their vacation, the weather, and absence of Winter Texans seem to be the reason. Miss Opal did not come with us this morning – after a few phone calls when she was not ready for church this morning, it was revealed that she is in the hospital as of yesterday, due to what was thought to be a heart situation, but needs further testing. Pastor Robert is doing triple duty for a few weeks as Pastor Ricky is on a vacation. 
Our sermon this morning sort of tied into last week’s sermon n Joshua, Texas. There are many ways we can share the gospel of Jesus to others without offending them or seeming to come on with a holier than thou attitude. Thinking about doing or praying about doing something is easier than actually doing it. When we think about sharing the Word of the Lord we often fall short of actually executing the thought. We need to use our words, heart, and hands to convey this message of following Jesus, but action is required to share our faith. Christians are often thought to be hypocritical – tending to criticize those who are different than us in their faith or walk in life. How can we share our faith so that people take us seriously when we tell them about Jesus? We need to step out of our comfort zone. When questioned about our faith, we are often afraid of being offensive as we share our beliefs. We need to have courage to take a stance and profess our faith to those who question it. As we serve God through good works we become noticed by others. When we are questioned about why we are doing what we do we can answer that we are doing it for Jesus Christ – then tell them about Him.

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