Sunday, August 11, 2019

Talking to God

Do you find yourself talking to inanimate objects? As we are spending our time in AR with a daughter we enjoy watching her robot vacuum. Yep, it is fun to watch. But I find myself, as well as listen to Fred,  talking to this machine.  It seems to follow a person - it may be cleaning in the living room and all of a sudden it it right under my feet in  the kitchen. So I say ,"Quit following me, and it bumps into something and returns to the living room. Or we will say "wait a minute - I'll move that chair". How many times a day do you talk to inanimate objects? How any times a day do you talk to God? Driving into a parking lot of Wal-Mart, I spy a closer parking spot, and often just say "thank you, Lord". Or sitting on the patio and see a butterfly or a Bambi and doe come out of the woods and thank God for His wonderful creations made for our joy. Talk to God often, not only when you are in need, or asking for healing for someone, but as a friend. That is what He really wants - a relationship with Him. I try to thank Him the first thing in the morning as I wake up - thanking Him for another day - another chance to tell others about His wonderful grace.

A really busy week as we had 3 doctor appointments so far and two more coming up soon. We just keep praying for good results and continued faith in God's plan for our life.

Saturday was a special day as we celebrated the birthdays of 2 of our great grandchildren, Brielle, 4,  and Jayden, 2. It was choatic as it usually us with young children around but we feel so blessed to be able to attend these birthdays as the little grow and mature. It was a day of fun and laughter with the family. When things got too wild and noisy, we just retreated to the patio for quiet time. The kids were not afraid or shy with us, as we only see them about once a year. To see them grow and mature each year is such a pleasure.

                            Jaylen, 2 and Brielle, 4,  two of our 7 going on 8 great grandchildren, the birthday stars

 Jaylen, Brielle, and Mom getting ready to open their many gifts
great granddaughter, Harper, who loves to pose. She also love her G Pop.

I told Harper I wanted to take a pic -  she never ceases to pose

I was lucky last year to be able to find some time to sew quilts for two of our daughters - two other girls already have theirs, so this finishes that generation. One of our grand daughters got married last fall in Northern Wisconsin, so she received a quilt also. Hopefully I will be able to sew a few morw quilt tops to be able to get ahead of the demand - we still have 5 more grandchildren to sew for. God blessed me with the ability to create by sewing, so not only am I doing so for our family, but also for the colonias by making items to sell. 

 quilt for youngest daughter who likes turkeys - it fits perfectly in her bedroom - the 4 middle squares are turkeys

quilt for #3 daughter - fits her personality perfectly - she will be arriving in NW AR the week end of Labor Day

A warm and bit humid Sunday morning as we attended church services this morning. Vance continued his sermon series relating to Living Letters about having the confidence in our faith so we can obtain the final victory. We have a sense of confidence through the Resurrection and the spirit of faith.Our faith is not in ourselves or anything in the world but in the One. The One who knew what He did did in the Resurrection. Because of that, we all know how it is going to end
We are confident that our present struggles are achieving eternal glory. "For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal". 2 Corinthians 4:18. Our bodies are aging and wasting away but inwardly we are being renewed day by day. "Win the day". Live for the day - yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not here yet. What God does in our life outweighs what is happening in our lives today. God God uses the daily struggles to strengthen us. Where is your focus - on the daily struggle and  material things? Or are you focused on the unseen? What is unseen is eternal, what is unseen is often unreal. If we ask God to open the eyes of our hearts, we can see what God want us to see. The temporary things of the world will pass away. We have a confident future in the Lord.

Our body is a temporary tent. It is a building of God waiting for us, not built by man. but by God. We have the Holy Spirit as a promise of what is to come. We have God's presence with us in the Holy Spirit, guaranteeing us of what truly is to come. We live by faith and not by sight. Our ultimate motivation to please God.

Thee is a an unspoken prayer request that needs special prayer. Please keep this in your prayers this week. 

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