Sunday, April 21, 2019

He is Risen

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He is Risen indeed! We have heard the story of the Resurrection for many of us for most of our lives, but really stop and think about what happened. It is real? Yes,  it really happened. The loss and devastation for the apostles, His other followers, and most of all for His Mother and family. Can you yousee yourself in their places - confused because this cannot be happening - He came to save us and but He did not save Himself. Try reflect on this day of the greatest sacrifice of all.

This was another weekend of bagging! those dreaded cheezits reappeared  - in the form of 6 more cases to bag, along with beans, rice, and some clothing. Added to all of this was something new - spices! Large unopened containers of spices - why would anyone buy such huge containers of spices? I would probably never use one in the rest of my life - besides that the fragrance and usefulness becomes less less and less as time goes on. There was dried cilantro, onions, chives, pepper, lemon pepper, bar-be-que spice to name a few. I measured out 1/2 Cup into snack bags and labeled them. 1/2 C for spices, 4 C per bag for cheezits, 6 C per bag for beans, 6 C per bag of rice -and whatever can be folded neatly into boxes for clothing. Who says you do not need math as you get older? Even when I go to bed, I dream of bagging - anything!!!!

just a few of the many bags of spices for the people

Some do not know this, but many do - I love shoes! Anything different or unique (so does my youngest daughter who recently purchased a pair of camouflage tennies). But there is a limit to how unusual or unique they are - especially with today's styles of high, high and higher heels and platform toes. I volunteer at the CHI resale store one day a week,and noticed a few pair of, shall I say different styles of shoes. No thanks, these are not for me. 

notice the spikes sticking out on the back of the heels - my questions is - WHY???

yellow and snakeskin - really???

a person could tip right out of these

Resurrection Sunday early service was light this morning - lots of Winter Texans gone home, local folks went out of town to visit relatives,etc. Easter lilies flooded the sanctuary as well as the narthax in both worship centers. The planted lilies in the prayer garden were blooming, and the photographers were taking free photos of families there. An amazing day weather wise although the wind was pretty gusty. The title of today's sermon was"One Got Out" based on a few experiences of the Pastor, but referring to Jesus - imagine Satan's feelings when he realized One got out - and the One who mattered most of all. He escaped death - and because of that, we all have a chance to escape Hell's fury. The Resurrection marks the moment in history when life overcame death. We are presently in the land of the dying, waiting to go to the land of the living. Resurrection also marks the moment hope overcame grief. There IS something beyond death.Hope is confidence in what we cannot see but believe. The Resurrection also marks the moment when we have to make a decision. The disciples did not believe believe the women when they returned from the tomb and declared that the tomb was empty and the Lord had risen. Peter went to the tomb to see for himself, but came away from the empty tomb wondering what happened, not daring to believe that Jesus has truly risen. If the Resurrection is not true, we are just wasting time in believing. Continue to have faith - one day we can proclaim, It Is True!!!!

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