Sunday, December 9, 2018

Fruits of the Labor

This is a picture of the Red Mill in Waupaca, WI whuch I consider my hometown. There is a covered bridge where many a bride walked across to the little chapel in the woods. A beautiful setting any time of the year. For a time it was a wonderful gift shop,with lots of Christmas decorations as well as pictures and stories of the past. A great place to visit.

The anticpiation and preparations for the Christmas celebration/distribution in the church group from the Dallas area were there to help with all of the festivities. We made various trips to the colona area where the program was to take place in order to make sure everything that was needed was there, as well as of of the donations were in place. A group of folks from Big Valley RV Park made over 100 Christmas stockings and filled them all for the kiddos, as well as donated hams, canned goods, quilts and blankets.

The ladies of Big Valley at work filling stockings

fruits of the labor

 The day started out very wet and cold, but as the day wore on the rain let up but the dreariness remained. when we arrived at the sight, the driveway and all of the area was muddy and soaked. There were three vehicles but we managed to get to where we were supposed to be without too much trouble. We immediately began to fill bags with hams, canned goods, peanut butter, pudding and cake mixes, rice, beans and whatever commodities that we had gathered. Two very helpful young ladies worked right along with us as we set up an assembly line -calling out to the other helpers as we ran of out beans, rice, etc. They immediately supplied us with more and kept up the pace. As we filled bags, a short Bible study for the kids was being held, as well as a short Scripture reading. Lots of Christmas singing, as well as beautiful hymns sung in Spanish. It was then time to eat! The ladies had made 175 dozen (yes you read that right) tamales, beans from the large commercial cans which were donated to us, and rice (from the rice we provided) was the menu for the afternoon. After this warm meal, we handed out boxes of food for ladies, the kids received gifts and stockings for each one of them. The joy in their eyes as they hugged the stockings realizing that this was for them , just for them and they did not have to share. It was such a rewarding and blessed day. As the day was coming to  an end the program was cut short as a result of the weather, the clouds seemed to break up and blue skies were seen. As we cleaned up , tired, cold, and muddy we maveled at how everyone helped so the job was done quickly. We did get stuck in the mud and had a bit of a problem getting out, but we made it. Car wash today for sure!!

a multitude despite the mud and cold

Ida trying to keep order despite the bad conditions
singing Spanish hymns

praising the Lord

packing boxes

ready to deliver boxes of food - a big job done

some of the many tamales

hot sauce anyone - I did not try it

hot meals for the family

Fred, Chaplin Roy Gee, Zoe (a faithful worker) and Ida

a special family - Sol, Emily, and Jr along with Fred - we hope to help achieve Sol's goal of being a veterinarian

Sol, Emily, and Jr's mother, Jessica

Fred, Brenda, who graciuusly allows us to have our distribution on her property, and Chaplain Roy

stockings ready to hand out - notice all the other presents

and more presents

smiling and happy for the blessing of lots of food for the family

As I leave you today, I ask you to remember the reason for this season, and to always be thankful, no matter what the circumstances. this lady certainly portrays that. 

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