Sunday, May 13, 2018

Summer Heat

Another sunny Sunday in the Valley , actually a hot one – 91 degrees already with a bit of humidity. We had some  excitement this morning – went to pick up Miss Opal for church – door was locked, no answer to the knock or bell. Checked with her brother-in-law who also had gone over to take her to church (Miss was Opal was a bit confused and thought we were not not going to take her this morning), and also found the same thing. Tried calling her, but the phone was turned off. We went to church and checked in her Sunday School class – there she was. She simply called a friend to pick her up for church, forgetting that she has asked her brother-in-law since she thought we were gone. So relieved to find her safe and sound.

We are still receiving a few food items from the straggling Winter Texans leaving for the North. The items are so few (not enough to distribute to all in the colonias). We found a deserving family here in Alamo who were so grateful for all we had. One day we delivered to the lady who does work but makes just enough to support her adult son and herself. We had a gallon of milk which she was so happy to receive, as she had only $10 left for groceries and no milk for her cereal. She had bought hamburger and cactus ( a dish the Hispanics eat here). Her son wanted hamburgers, but she did not have enough for everything he needed, so split what she had bought with him. The next day I saw her – she was so excited. In the items we delivered to her were hamburger buns, lettuce, pickles, and catsup – just what he needed to make his supper.

 I had some work done on my computer - it seems as if it will now let me post pictures. Hooray - below are some of our loyal ladies packing produce even in the heat. 

Our watersize leader is back from her 50 day cruise so we are starting our morning water exercise class tomorrow morning. It has been awhile so we have to be retrained! We follow a CD with specific routines and usually have it so memorized that we can talk and workout at the same time I think tomorrow we will have to concentrate on listening closely.

Spent most of the week bagging dried fruit again - the people just love it and we have an ample supply for now. We delivered last Friday in the colonias with an almost overabundance of produce - so many fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as marshmallow fluff, dried fruit, and plenty of tortillas. This is a critical time in the colonias as the kids are home from school and need breakfast and noonday meals. There are free meals available at the schools, but no transportation for them to get there. 

The trees are again budding and flowering so I am back on the allergy medicine again. This year as we are not returning North until August, I am hoping there will not be any new budding or flowering! I never had any allergy problems before - this year is a real eye opener. 

After we got all the Miss Opal situation resolved, we arrived at our Sunday School class just on time - with a teaching of how the silk trade route affected the modern religions As the traders moved by caravan from country, the ideas, beliefs, and views were discussed. People formed their own opinions and became immersed in the religious belief of their choice that they had absorbed. Quite an interesting study. Our contemporary service has not increased in number as expected. We are hoping that we return to the the 9 AM time schedule as we earlier had. Many others feel that way, so perhaps it will happen. If not we may go to the traditional 8:30 service.

Pastor Robert continued his new sermon series of Jesus after the tomb as Jesus continue to walk with us. Have you ever felt left out? I have - I felt isolated alone, sort of not wanted or even in the way. It hurts not to be included when every else is talking about the event. Are there parts of our faith journey that we feel left out with something missing in our faith? Thomas is an example of that. He was not there when Jesus appeared to the apostles. They were excited when they told Tomaso about being with the Lord again, but Thomas needed physical proof that Jesus was alive. Jesus wanted Thomas to name his unbelief. Sometimes we too, struggle with our unbelief. What is it that keeps us from unbelieving?  8 days later Jesus again appeared to the disciples and Thomas was there that  time. When Jesus appeared and told Thomas to put his finger in the holes in His hands and his hand in the wound in His side, Jesus was giving Thomas the proof of his doubt. Just as Jesus responded to Thomas' unbelief, He was to respond to our unbelief. Name it to Him and He will help you to believe.

Our park manager had surgery last Friday on her shoulder - not exactly sure what- but all went well and she is recovering. Please keep her in your prayers. 

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