Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sunday Meanderings

It really was a day of meanderings - not really planned but sort of just mushroomed into a really great day.  After church we met Chaplain Jim and Vicki Troutman for chicken at the Elks Club.  A really long time and wait, but certainly worthy the effort. As we were waiting in line we spotted Cheryl and Dennis Perkins - Cheryl is going to be our speaker for the ladies retreat in February. They were leaving as we waited - Cheryl informing everyone that the chicken had run out !! Of course it had not - but some folks almost believed her. After we ate and visited (although we had lots of time to visit while standing in line) we met Suzy and Greg York at the local Dairy Queen. Suzy and Greg are our CRM music ambassadors and were getting ready to leave the Valley for Arizona and our chaplains in parks there. The Yorks and the Perkins' were doing a hymn sign at Big Valley Park, so again, off we went to listen to them. All of this was really unplanned, but what a marvelous day with Christian friends.

CRMI's Freedom in Christ Revival (renewal) was held for 5 nights with 5 different Chaplains presenting the sermon. We had a fairly good turnout, the sermons were amazing in different ways, but all pointing to freedom in Christ. As we are not preaching chaplains, it was a great opportunity for all of us to be ministered to, hearing the Word of God in different ways. Wonderful gospel music and hymns presented by the Yorks, as well as some folks from the various parks. We are planting the seed , praying that those who came were those appointed by God to do so, and that He will continue to grow the seed to bring them to Him.

Last night  couple in our park had a wedding ceremony, reception, and dance. It has been quite a while since we have been at a wedding ceremony - guess we need practice as our granddaughter is getting married in September! It was a very nice ceremony - both the bride and groom looked happy The dinner was wonderful - all prepared and served by neighbors. A band (lead by the minister) played country music (you know, the old pretty country!) and many of our park residents were dancing It was also a good time for fellowship with everyone there - a chance to visit and enjoy the evening.

Fred was busy this week making more tables for the distribution in the colonias. The ladies had asked if he could buy a gallon of paint to paint the older tables (most of the just plywood on makeshift sawhorses). Again, hopefully, they are beginning to keep up and improve on their surroundings and taking pride in keeping things nice They were so surprised at the new tables and arranged them just so before starting to separate and distribute the food. Oh - Fred did also buy a gallon of paint to keep them busy this next week!

The last of the sermon series on giving was presented this morning by Pastor Ricky - a prerequisite to the annual pledge Sunday next week. Giving promotes community - giving everyone an opportunity to give to those in need. 2 Kings 4:1-7 tells the story of a widow with two sons who became destitute/ Because she could not pay her dead husband's debts she had to sell her two sons in slavery until the debts were paid (a law at that time).  Wow - what a huge brick wall  - wonder how that would work in today's world? She went to prophet Elisha (her husband was also a prophet) with her problem. He asked if she had anything in her home to sell - the was nothing but a small amount of oil in a jar. He then told her to go to all other neighbor and ask for empty jars so she sent her sons out  to do so. After collecting the jars, she did as Elisha told her and began filling them with the small amount of oil she had. All of the jars were filled before the oil ran out. She then could sell the oil to cover her debts and still have enough to live on. Just because you love the Lord, you are not exempt from trials. Turn to God . When people come to us as Christians, we represent God and His Word. We need to part from our own solutions and ask God for help. In this case, the widow turned to a prophet, who assessed her situation, advised her to do something for her family, thereby involving the whole community in giving. Just as pebbles in the water, the ripple go on forever.

Listen and respond to God's invitation to be a blessing to others - to be able to help them - this is an expression of our faith. When a village comes together, lives are blessed.

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