Sunday, October 1, 2017

Fall Rains

At the point of repeating myself, we again sang this song in church services again this morning. We need to keep praying for our country and world which seems to plunge deeper and deeper into chaos.  The disrespect for what our country is seems to have become the norm, provoked by those who normally are held in higher respect than the common man. These are the folks who should be role models for our children, not leading them into rioting and protesting everything and everyone – including our flag, president, and even God. Whatever happened to pride, love for your brothers, respect for those in authority but most of all for Jesus our Savior?? Folks, wake up – this cannot go on.

Build Your kingdom here

Let the darkness fear

Show Your mighty hand

Heal our streets and land

Set our church on fire

Win this nation back

Change the atmosphere

Build Your kingdom here

We pray

Song lyrics by Rend Collective Experiment

We have had lots of rain this week, so much that we could not deliver produce to the colonias this last Friday. The area where we deliver was flooded, muddy, and impassable. We are trying to come up with an alternative area, but anything more suitable is farther away from the colonias, where most of the people cannot walk to pick up their produce.  Some of the nearby towns were wvwn flooded this past week.

This week has brought so many more hummingbirds that we have to fill two feeders a day, sometimes twice a day. They are so much fun to watch – when they think that another bird had had enough to drink, they will poke at his head to remind him that it is now someone else’s turn at the feeder. They soon will be leaving for Mexico, and just leave the few resident birds here.
Sorry fort he cloudiness but I took this through the door so as not to disturb the little guys

almost too many to try to keep count

some patiently wait their turn

Along with the hummingbirds come the Snow Birds – those Winter Texans who come for the winter months to escape the colder Northern states. A few have arrived already (we had to pick up one couple at the airport this last week) with a few more to arrive this coming week. Soon the park will be a beehive of activity. It is great to see winter friends again, and mourn the loss of those who have passed away, or those who cannot return for any reason.

We have been watercising this week – exercises in the pool. The first night when we were done I thought I would never get over being sore from using muscles that I had not used in a while, but after the first day it was easy. Just a short 45 minutes workout, with a cool down period, then a 15-minute social time in the hot tub. It is relaxing and a great way to start the day. Fred and I usually have morning devotions with our cup of coffee after breakfast, then he mows the park and I play!!

Some of our Chaplains have already returned as we have a week of training again this year the end of October.  We attended church services this morning with Chaplain Jim and Shirley Maxson, then had a nice quiet “catching up” lunch with them. They serve at Mission Bell RV Park where Shirley also works in the office.  

A good foundation for construction requires preparation. We have to anticipate problems while setting our foundation. Should we build on bedrock rather than sand?? The answer seems simple enough, but it can be dangerous to build on bedrock. It is hard to find bedrock, because it is the best – better than sand or stones. When we go to Jesus to find the bedrock of our faith it is a danger, too. Bedrock is more memorable because it is so hard to find. It fills us with joy when you find it when we meet Jesus. It is the most memorable thing in your life. Bedrock is impossible to break.  Was Jesus broken?? He was pounded on, spit upon, crucified, buried but He could not be broken, does this sound like a foundation we want? The foundation of our faith is our relationship with Jesus. Jesus is the bedrock, but what we build our relationship on is the foundation. The house may fall, but the bedrock never moves: we may have set backs or roadblocks, but Jesus is always there, had been and always will be. So, search for the best foundation – the bedrock of Jesus Christ.

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