Sunday, April 16, 2017

He is Risen

What a powerful message!!! This message was presented in church this morning as we as Christians celebrated the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We sang this song, which always fills me with promise and hope. I am starting out with today's message from Pastor Robert, as I feel this is the most important event of the past week. On Friday, Jesus died. The hopes and dreams of the disciples died with Him.  On Sunday He came back. Jesus took all of our sin and brokenness to the tomb. God does not want our outward changes ( all dressed up in Easter finery, new haircut, new car, etc.)  but only our inward changes. He took our worst (all the sin of the world) and brought it back clean. There is no more separation, only hope for us all. Let God empty us of all our sin so we can be resurrected into a new creation. Ebrace all that God has for you.

Well, I am back  - bet you did not know I was gone. I had all the intentions of finishing this blog early this afternoon, but we had unexpected company. Now, after supper and dishes, I am here.

On Thursday we attended a reenactment of the Last Supper - actually a reenactment of Leonardo De Vincchi's Last Supper Painting. It was so good - the table was set in De Vincchi's time with Jesus and His 12 disciples present. The actors were frozen in time, just as if they were the painting, never moving at all. Each Disciple was featured, where he told his story of walking with the Lord, and asked the question, "Is it I Lord, who will betray You"?. When it was Judas' turn, he tried to explain away his actions, It was really so real and brought more meaning to that Last Supper in the Upper room.

this was the first disciple speaking - James the Lesser -
This is Jesus speaking - see how the actors hold their pose
      This has been a pretty busy week here at the park - due to the new road going to be put in on our side of the park, lots of moving has been going on. One of the homes was sold and moved out of the park. It was totally amazing to watch the workers disassemble parts of the car ports and patio covers, then separate the shed from the house, and move it and the house down the road.  The second home was just moving to another site in the park - a lakeside site that became available. This was a much larger home and took three days to finally get put into place. First the shed went out, then it rained the next day - finally after a bit of trouble and maneuvering that house went on down the road. There are three more homes to be moved  but have no idea when that will happen. I just hope that the road will be in and done while we are gone on vacation.

 two different movers showed up at the same time - both working on 2 different house

 taking down the car port and separating the shed from the house
 in addition to the house moving, this guy was running back and forth hauling dirt for a cementing project on another street
 ready to load the shed
 the shed is on the way
hooking up the house - axles and tires were added

pulling out the first house

 and down the street it goes

it looks like it was never there

starting to work on the big house

taking down one of the two car ports

out goes the shed

now this is a BIG house

he had to back up a few times to get around a light pole

At least we got two things off the list this week - trailer revamped and quilt for our  great-grandson, Milo, due in June,  is also completed. Time is winding down. Need to make another trip to Mexico for supplies, take Miss Opal to the courthouse to get her passcard, take a neighbor to the eye surgeon in Harlingen, Fred starts mowing again for two weeks, packing, etc.

The blogger is acting quirky tonight - cannot download any other pictures - but things otherwise are going well!!! Our next door neighbors planted tomatoes and have already left for their Northern homes, so I picked a few tomatoes for fried green tomatoes - they were sooooooooooooo good!! God is amazing - He provided so many wonderful things for us to grow and eat.

I have fought with this computer long enough - I pray that your Easter was blessed as you remember that  "My God's Not Dead, He's surely alive, He is living on the inside, roaring like a lion!!!"

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