Sunday, November 13, 2016

November Rain

November has settled in here in S Texas, along with the fall rain, which is desperately needed. It is cooler, but nice enough to have the doors open and the fresh air flowing through the house.

Busy week as I finished sewing and tying the quilt top for our great grandson, due in February. Now just to finish the edges and it is ready to get out into the mail. I also started working on Arkansas Crossroads quilt - which is a scrap quilt. Now that I seem to have a bit more time, I can channel my talents (ha). I squeeze in a few minutes whenever I can.

Friday was a real blessing for Caring Hearts Ministry as we were able to feed 90 families. We were surprised by a special offering of carrots and apples (big, beautiful, ripe Delicious ones), which are a real treat for the ladies who pick up their boxes of produce. Some of the ladies could not wait and bit into the apple as soon as they received their boxes (each box contained only 4 apples, but such a welcome gift for the ladies). We never know what we are going to receive as donations, but it always seems to be enough. This coming Monday there is going to be a Thanksgiving distribution (rice, beans, canned goods, clothes, coats, etc) for many of the families. It is through God's provision and grace that we can help provide a little happiness in these people's lives, people who otherwise struggle just to keep warm and have a bit of food to eat. God is so good.

We had out first chaplain's meeting for the season on Saturday which was a great time for getting to know the new chaplains and re-acquainting ourselves with the ones from last season (although most of us keep in contact year round). When we had our week of training a few weeks ago, the entire training was video taped with no problems at all, except when it came to Dr. Bill Artherholt's day of "Spiritual Warfare".  3 videos were torn apart. The audio was unusable - even the backup video had holes in it.  After Dr. Bill's video, taping returned to normal. Same camera, same computer recordings, everything had not changed. Our IT man was stunned - he never saw anything like it before and it made no sense to him. Were outside forces preventing this portion of the training from being seen by others?? Satan is alive and well in this world.

As we have finally gotten over the election week, the country still is divided - do folks think that protesting the election will change the results?? The people of America have spoken, Donald Trump is our president-elect - period. If Hillary Clinton would have won the election, would the opposition have reacted in the same manner? On a sad note, at a school presentation here in the Valley last night, a video was shown immediately afterwords, portraying that Donald Trump would send all the illegals back (most of the population here is Mexican), and build a wall between Mexico and the US. The video was in very poor taste, shown after a public program at a public school. Many folks got up and walked out because it was biased and hateful. Whatever happened to  Christian values of love your neighbor - and our county's values of accepting the voice of the majority? People, wake up - American is the greatest county ever - why are you all trying to destroy it???  Enough of this for now, as I get really upset at ignorant people.

Today's sermon was based on family - we are all part of one. It is more difficult to end relationships with family, so you are virtually forced to be a part of it. Being a part of a family is hard work. Family relationships is one of the top stresses of people - trying to balance all different personalities is a stretch to say the least. Jesus certainly was not a part of a traditional family - he was sort of a loner except for His followers. His family thought He was out of His mind (Mark 3:21).  When told that His mother and brother were looking for Him, He asked who His mother and brothers were - "Whoever does God's will is My brother and sister and My mother." (Mark 3:35). God calls us to be accountable in our relationships, within family and friends alike. It is certainly easier to criticize friends than family - family will always be there, friends can leave you. God calls us to messy relationships also, as well as holy relationships (which are through the Holy Spirit). The holy relationships can actually  heal messy relationships. God calls us to be in relationship with His family which is truly more difficult than relationships with our immediate family. Treat your family like friends and your friends like family.

Pray this week for broken family relationships, for healing in the brokenness of family hurt and pride,
misunderstandings, and spiteful words.


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