Sunday, September 4, 2016

Blessed Rain

Hooray - it rained two days earlier this week  and today it is a lovely rainy Sunday. It is quite dry here and we certainly need it. Praise God that the hurricane missed us, but continue to pray for those who are affected by it. Flooding causes such devastation as many folks are not aware of the mere strength of rushing water. First rule we learned when we moved to Arkansas - do not cross running water!

I am so very disappointed in the pre-election news on TV - I often turn it off. The candidates should concentrate on what they stand for and what they hope to accomplish rather than just bashing each other continuously. I am not sure if I want to watch the upcoming debate just to hear two adults acting like children - pointing out each others faults and sins rather than trying to put our country together again. It seems that this country has forgotten God.  In August 1984, Ronald Reagan spoke to an ecumenical breakfast in Dallas, Texas the following "We establish no religion in this country, nor will we ever. we commend no worship. we mandate no belief, but we poison our society when we remove its theological underpinnings. We court corruption when we leave it bereft of belief. All are free to believe or not believe, all are free to practice a faith or not. But those who believe must be free to speak of and act on their belief, to apply moral teachings to public questions...... Without God there is no virtue, because there is no prompting of conscience. Without God we're mired in the material, that flat world that tell us only what senses perceive. Without God, there is a coarsening of the society. And without God, society will not and cannot long endure. If we forget that we are one Nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under". OK, I am off my soapbox for now.

I really have no pictures again this week - it is so dry in the Valley that even most flowers are not blooming and I can only have so many picture of our food and clothing distributions. We were so very blessed with a trailer this week (through your great support) so Fred will be working on enclosing it to use in hauling food, etc. Hopefully it will put less wear on our vehicle.

Our tall cactus in the front is absolutely loaded with blooms, so there should be pictures coming soon. Little activity in the park as of yet, but folks will be returning the end of this month. One of the units was sold earlier and now workers are doing some remodeling - the rabbits are busy hopping all over, but the birds are even quiet. So much for lots of action here!!!!

Pastor's sermon this morning continued on the Trinity - today centering on the Holy Spirit.  What is the Holy Spirit? The question almost should be "Who is the Holy Spirit"? The Holy Spirit is the 3rd person of the Trinity. Some people believe the Holy Spirit is a feeling, some people feel overcome by the Holy Spirit through tongues, or by singing or dancing, some feel the Holy Spirit actually overcomes us physically - it is means different things to everyone. The Holy Spirit is an enabler in a good sense of the word. Enabler means a person or thing that makes things possible. Do you want to be set free form the bondage of your sins? The Holy Spirit will enable you to do that. We cannot get there by ourselves - we need help. The Holy Spirit also empowers. We are all blessed with spiritual gifts - the Holy Spirit empowers us to know what they are and to use them for God's work. The Holy Spirit is also an encourager. When everything seems to go wrong, when we have nowhere else to turn, when we fail,  the Holy Spirit is there to encourage us to look to the Lord for hope. Without the Holy Spirit we fail to be a church - all parts of one body. The Holy Spirit sets us apart from any other organization - we are the organization of believers.

At the beginning of this new school year, pray for the teachers, the children, the school employees, everyone who is involved in the education of our kids who are the future of our country.

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