We are in for a heat wave this coming week as the temperatures are predicted to be over 100 all week with no rain in sight. We really need the rain - last week it rained on Friday for awhile after we finished distributing produce (thank you Lord for holding off until then) but don't think we got any here in Alamo. Fred has decided that since we have to stay in the cool, he would paint - the inside rooms that is. The laundry area is finished as well as part of the kitchen which he just finished after we returned form church and Lowe's to buy the paint. He doesn't ask my help, as we cannot paint together ( too many chiefs and not enough Indians) and he says I am messy. This is all OK with me - hate to paint walls but love to paint for fun!
Last Sunday a few of us took a short 1 hour boat trip on the Rio Grande from Riverside and I must admit that I saw a view of Mexico that I had not seen before - certainly a more prosperous and opulent one. It certainly was not the Mexico that we minister to.
the beautiful grounds at Riverside - sort of a restaurant/dance hall/gathering place along the Rio Grande |
it was beautiful even though quite hot |
this looks so cool and refreshing |
looking across the river to the Mexican side - this was a public park, but the floods of 2010 pretty much ruined it although many swim there yet |
our tour boat - the a/c was out but after we got on the river, there was a cool breeze |
another park on the Mexican side - one which can be rented for activities |
a privately owned Mexican facility which is pretty pricey |
a public area in Mexico, although it cost something to use it - amazing to see them enjoying the Sunday afternoon on the water just as we often do |
the Anzadulas Bridge which we often cross in vehicles when going to the refuge in Reynosa |
we had a boat almost full |
look at the area to the right which is sort of a cove - this was all land before the flood of 2010 and the course of the Rio Grande changed direction, which actually happens quite often |
a public swimming area - lots of waves, smiles, and shouting as we floated by - many of those living in Reynosa do not have the ability to come here - they have to work to provide for their families |
the Anzadulas Dam which overflowed and created all the flooding in 2010 |
many more Mexican citizens taking advantage of the hot summer day below the dam - this area I believe is free to all |
our captain - very capable and informative |
the ever present border patrol - if not for them a person would just think this is another Sunday afternoon in the US |
one of the many water birds along the shoreline |
the American side and Chimney Park which also was flooded out in 2010 and then almost blown away by the high winds a few weeks ago
We stopped at a small restaurant that we often see as we head out to the colonias - it is called the Green Chevechi. I love chevachi - sort of pico de gallo with seafood. They have many different varieties so we chose the Mexican style this time - onions, tomatoes, green peppers, cilantro, cucumbers, shrimp, crab, fish, jalapenos, and lime juice. We ordered out and enjoyed a delicious treat on crackers (the salt in the crackers provides the perfect addition) when we got home. Next time will try another variety - perhaps with pineapple or mango. They also have salads and tomato basil soup (which they we out of when we were there). A neat little pace with a totally different cuisine.
Church services were so relaxing and inspirational this morning as Pastor Robert Perales talked to us about change and how change can affect our entire life. We have gone through a huge period of change this past year - a time when God had to actually slam the door in our face in order for us to realize that the change as necessary. Oftentimes change is necessary due to the negative circumstances in our lives for which we have no control - again the exact issue we faced. We do not want to deal with the pain and heartache of change, so we try to avoid it at all costs. We get to the point that we are tired of who we are but resist change as too difficult to face, answering "oh well, we are only human". Wrong!! God made all creation and said that it was good, but when He created man, he said that it was supremely good. What is causing a separation from God - from stopping you from becoming the person God wants you to be??? Change. If you want to get to the cure, you need to know what the problem is - why are you resisting change?? Change always costs us something - changing jobs, a different car, even a new phone or painting the walls as we did . Sure, paint is not expensive, but it does cost something. So what are you willing to give up in order to change for God??? He gave up His Son so that we would be free from sin. Jesus went to the cross in order to change our destiny. He wants us to follow.
Please pray for God's Worthy Women as we continue our search for a perfect facility in which to hold out conference. We are changing, and it seems that we hit brick walls wherever we turn - but we know God has it already in motion where we are going - let us listen and follow His direction. But prayer for patience always helps.
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