Sunday, February 21, 2016

Beauty Abounds

Last week I talked about beauty from ashes, also the quilt I received as a gift - supposedly from ugly fabric. This could be beauty from the beast, but I never thought the fabric was ugly.
the colors, fabric, and textures are amazing

the back of the quilt - I love this design

We had our ladies Bible study tea this last Friday with many of our study group attending. It was fun to see all the fancy hats, the expressions on the invited guests faces (we had extra hats) and the variety of tea time treats. The park activity director must have really liked our idea (as we have done this previously) because she copied our idea earlier in the month for the park ladies. We are flattered that the tea is becoming popular all over.
 some delicious looking treats - the strawberries were mine - they were stuffed with a cream cheese filling and topped with mini chips
lovely teapots also

no deviled eggs though
 some of our tea time friends


                                                                      meeting and greeting
A few weeks ago (I told you I was backed up with pictures) we went with friends Karen and Dean to South Padre Island to celebrate her birthday. A trip to the Island is not complete without feeding the sea gulls. Because it was so very windy that day we had a really difficult time finding these guys as they were all hidden in coves trying to stay out of the wind. We did find some all huddled up near one of the buildings, but as soon as we brought out the bread, they all flew over to us. I love their sweet eyes and ability to eat on the fly.

 we left early morning in a thick fog
 amazing sand castles - this one in the visitor center
 outside castles - there are many in various places on the island
 love the pelican
 intricate detail
Karen looking for sea gulls
so windy - look at the waves
 the sand even looked like water as it blew along the beach
 as we drove to the north end the roads were filling up with sand, which the just plow away like snow
 hooray - we found our friends who took the bread from Karen's hand
 flying over me looking for a treat
 ships in the shipyard waiting to be demolished
 an aircraft carrier

Pastor Lee's sermon this morning was a bit disjointed but interesting as he related incidents of God's healing powers. We do need to abide in the Lord because through Him we live and breathe. Because we are connected to the Lord we are also connected to each other through faith. Does it build up your faith if your prayers are not answered??  Or is your faith made stronger because you know God is in charge. Let God take over in your life - let Him take the lead and don't ahead of Him!!!
Can you believe that it the end of March already??? Where had the time gone. Make the most of every minute of the day - don't worry about yesterday, which is gone, or tomorrow which is not here yet.

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