Sunday, July 19, 2015

An Amazing Girl

In the latest issue of Children Haven's newsletter, an amazing girl is featured. She is none other than one of the special girls we sponsor: Paty. Paty Carolina Hemandez Rodriguez was brought to the haven in Reynosa along with her two sisters in 2005 by her mother, who could no longer take care of them. They had lived in extreme poverty, no father figure in the home, they were often hungry and alone, had no real toys, only dolls they made out of rags.  All of the girls were in poor health. Paty had suffered a stroke shortly after she was born, but somehow, her mother managed to get her to therapy, and today she is as normal as any other 17 year old! Sadly, both of her half-sisters have left the home, which deeply saddens us as well as Paty. Sonia left a few years ago to live with her real father, and Lupe left to return back home, even though her mother also encouraged her to remain at the home. Lupe now at 16 is expecting a son in a month or so and had to drop out of school. She will seek employment after the baby is born at one of the many manufacturing firms in Reynosa in order to support her son. The father of the baby is with her, but he is unemployed. The biggest change in Paty's life is that now she is a child of God and maturing in His love every day. She decided not to leave the haven as the opportunities that she has there would not be available in the outside world. Paty is very dedicated to her studies, planning on someday becoming a lawyer if that is God's will. She will be entering a special high school this fall on a scholarship that she received in order to prepare her for college. We are so very proud of her.

On Wednesday, we traveled to Reynosa with another couple for the purpose of just visiting with the kids, especially Paty and Belinda, the other girl we sponsor. As the kids are nor not in school, we were privileged to be able to eat in the Casa with the girls (they are both in the same house). We enjoyed Reynosa tacos prepared by Celine, an older Senorita who was the housemother for the day. We watched in amazement as Paty spooned a large amount of HOT green sauce on hers!
Belinda, all smiles for a change - she is usually very sober

tacos, limes, and green sauce

some of the girls who live in Casa #1

Paty has learned to play the guitar

she also sang a beautiful song for us (all in Spanish, but it was pretty)

we asked Paty how her English was - she said so-so, and then proceeded to ask us how our Spanish was - smarty pants kid

There are a few hummingbirds around - just the local ones right now. The other day an oriole decided he wanted to try the feeder - after trying and spilling stuff all over he squawked and flew off.

Another one of our aircraft carriers has arrived at the shipyards in Brownsville for dismantling.  The seventh USS Ranger  was one of four class Forrestal-supercarriers built for the United States Navy in the 1950s. Although all four ships of the class were completed with angled decks, Ranger had the distinction of being the first US carrier built from the beginning as an angled-deck ship. Commissioned in 1957, she served extensively in the Pacific, especially the Vietnam War, for which she earned 13 battle stars. Near the end of her career, she also served in the Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf. Hopefully we may get to see this mighty ship this year before it is totally destroyed.
 USS Ranger

The cacti are blooming again - our large one has loads of blooms but they only last one day. After taking this picture, the blooms died off and started looking ugly when I noticed that there were more blooms coming again. This is the most it has ever bloomed - one of 2 reasons I suppose - it had plenty of life giving water or maybe it has reached maturity. This is so true with our walk with the Lord - we grow and blossom when we receive plenty of the Living Water and truly blossom when we reach maturity in His Word.
lots of blossoms
beautiful flowers
It was another beautiful day in the Valley as we drove to church this morning after getting the Sunday paper from our favorite paper lady. Pastor Israel continued his sermon theme by relating to us the blessings of righteousness. Today's world wants to blur the truth - but the truth is Jesus Christ and the Word. When you have truth you are truly set free. We still fight a battle everyday with Satan who is very subtle in hisattacks. Sort of like a TV advertisement repeated over and over until it becomes permanent.
The Old Testament ties righteousness to behavior - following the law. The Old Testament covenant dwells on the relationship with the Lord.  Psalm 112 tells us of all the blessings we have from the Lord. The New Testament covenant is all about believing - simply faith. God is faithful in His covenant with us just as we are to be faithful in our covenant to Him. We really need to work on this as "for all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God". Romans 3:23
Wake up every morning saying "This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it".
Turn that frown into a smile - and your day will be so much better.



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