Sunday, May 3, 2015

A Perfect Week

This has been an awesome perfect week - well almost. The weather is lovely - we finished a lot of things that needed to be done - had lunch with good friends - now for the almost perfect part. After lunch we went to our friends house for a visit, but as we arrived Fred discovered he lost his car keys. Oh, no, now to retrace our steps. After the guys went to the last place we were and discovered the keys were not there, they called and told us to check the couch, etc. to see if the keys were there. As I was sitting on the couch and had just removed a pillow, I stood up and there they were!!! I was sitting on them and did not know it. Other than that minor speed bump, the week was wonderful.

We had some fresh zucchini so I made zucchini blinis - sort of a potato pancake with zucchini instead of potatoes. Add shredded zucchini, onions, Parmesan cheese, a bit of flour, baking powder, salt, and pepper,  and there you are. Yummy. Love it that we have access to wonderful fresh produce.

We have a few resident hummingbirds yet. A neighbor down the street left for their Northern home and took down their feeder, so we are getting the bird traffic now. The tiny birds love to sit on the braces of our awnings and watch as other hummers come to feed. I am very surprised that they do not chase each other around - maybe they are friends!

Pastor Israel continued his journey through the book of Nehemiah this morning, His wife, Becky, led the song "We Exalt You" in Spanish, while her daughter sang it in English. The congregation followed in their chosen language. I cannot tell you how beautiful it sounded with the blending of the languages.  Becky  and Israel's daughter, Rachael, is going to be married in June and then moving to Missouri. She is such a blessing to Great Oaks, and we will feel lost without her. As we continue on with Nehemiah, we find him in Jerusalem, rebuilding the wall, but those who were working so diligently were very upset with their Jewish brother, who were taxing them on their fields, vineyards, and homes. They were so strapped for money that they had to borrow money to pay the taxes, then since they could not repay it, they gave their sons and daughters into slavery to pay the bill. Everyone was faithful to follow God's wishes, but they were unable to love one another. Nehemiah became angry and finally settled the situation through prayer and discussion. Repentance was the answer - not just words but a change in hardened hearts. The work of God is about doing God's work for the well being of others. Not for my sake , Lord, but for your glory. It is so easy to take credit for doing God's work - but when others thank you for it, your response should be, "for the glory of God". "So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, "we are unworthy servants, we have only done our duty".
Luke 17:10.

Have a wonderful week, enjoy every day, wake up saying, "Thank you Lord for another day on  this wonderful earth you have created. Let everything we do this week be a reflection of you".

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