Sunday, March 29, 2015

Palm Sunday

This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. It is an absolutely beautiful day here in RGV (although I rejoice in the dreary days, too). It is too bad that so many people are leaving this week when we finally get some amazing weather. Those that are left  are out, riding bikes, visiting, walking, cruising in their golf carts - really enjoying the sunshine and cool breeze.

Chaplain Bill's sermon this morning revolved around Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem - He was praised and loved by all those who were in Jerusalem at the time - the Jews who were in Jerusalem at the time, those who had seen the raising of Lazarus from the dead, the pilgrims who came from every where, and the disciples. The Roman leaders were scornful of Jesus, who  many proclaimed to be the King of the Jews. Any conquering hero rode into a city a triumphal return came riding on a great horse, in a silver chariot, pulling along the conquered king, with many proclaiming his victory. There was sort of a ticker tape parade, only instead of confetti, rose petals were falling on the conquering hero (thus the phrase - sweet smell of success). Who was this man, riding in triumph into the city on a donkey, dressed in simple clothing, wearing sandals??? It was Jesus of Nazareth, who purposely challenged the authorities in order to fulfill prophecy. As we enter into Holy Week, use these coming days to think about and thank God for the great sacrifice, His only Son, given for us!!!! So that someday we can share in the glory of heaven in His presence.

Right after services, Bill and Ali left the park,  going forward into whatever God has planned for them. I am thankful to the Lord for these past two years under Bill's leadership and Ali's friendship. I have learned so much from them and know that God had great things in mind for their next journey. We pray that whomever God sends us as Chaplain can take the Church @ Alamo Rec Veh to another new level.

We are still very busy with the food ministry, as the folks who are leaving for their Northern homes bring their foodstuffs to us for the food pantry. It is a process to combine all the sugars, flour, cereals, etc. into gallon size bags for distribution. We are so thankful that people are so generous in order that we can provide for those who cannot afford food, for they are busy trying to provide a roof over their head. We do receive some surprising things - chocolate rimmed ice cream cones, many types of snack crackers, candy canes, snack cakes, etc., as well as rice, beans, and pasta. Not only staples, but special treats, too.

 boxes of food and bags of clothes, the second car load this week - we will deliver the quilts this week
cereal, crackers, coffee, and cake mixes (for those who have stoves) are just a few donated items

We are praying for a blessed Easter for each and every one of you - that you take time to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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