The sun is shinning and it a gorgeous day out here. We have again had a crazy weather week - cold, dreary, and then a beautiful sunny spell. Hopefully it is supposed to be this way all week. When it is dreary outside, we can be assured that it will warm up sometime and we can bask in the warmth of the glorious sun. Can you see where I am going with this?? When our life is dark and gloomy, we can be assured of the warmth and love of the Son! Out of the darkness comes light and warmth - trust and believe.
It has been a fun week for us, even though it has been busy and frustrating at times. Our ladies Bible Study is planning a tea this coming week so I am washing all the tea cups and tea pots that Ali and I have been purchasing at yard sales, etc. Poor Ail is ill again with a cold and cough - a reocurrence of an earlier aliment and is trying to recover - it is a joy to prepare for the tea as I just love unwrapping the tea pots and cups and rediscovering the beauty of our purchases. We had a work day when some of the ladies created beautiful hats from yard sale purchases and used plastic and silk flowers. We enjoyed the afternoon, just being together for fun. We had some hats left, so we continued to decorate them for those who did not make it to the "designer hour" so that everyone will have a hat to wear as we enjoy our Victorian tea.
how does this look |
some original creations |
a heap of flowers to choose from |
finished products - ready for the tea
We also had a break on Saturday as we attended a Tribute ( an amazing quartet) concert at Bibleville - a nearby RV park that holds Christian concerts every weekend. We attended the afternoon show with friends - there was one in the morning and then another one scheduled in the evening. Bibleville's auditorium holds approximately 400 people and is always full. The park closes its gates when the hall is full - the gates on Saturday afternoon were closed long before the scheduled 2 PM concert time. It was a relaxing afternoon of gospel music and fun. If you ever get to see Tribute, either at Silver Dollar City or in Nashville, do so. It is a great blessing and an example of making a joyful noise unto the Lord.
Jim Van Tuyl, a permanent resident here at the park as well as our night security, celebrated his 60th birthday this past week. The park managers surprised him with an impromptu party, inviting those who could make it for cake and fellowship. Jim was overwhelmed by the number of people who showed up to show their love and appreciation.
an array of candles
Jim trying to blow out the candles which kept relighting - sorry this is the only picture I got of him
We received lots of free oranges and lemons from a friend who always has a huge supply of them from the native trees here in the RGV. We share with as many people as we can, freeze some juice, and of course, squeeze some for drinking. We also received some very large lemons, called Ponderosa lemons that also grow here. There is enough juice in one lemon to make several pies. Now we have fresh orange juice and lemonade in our refrigerator!
this lemon is huge
compare it to a bottle of water - it made a lot of juice
juicing in process
a lot easier than the old timey juicer
it took these many oranges
to make this juice - not too bad at all
Now I get to have great grandma brag time - our twin great granddaughters are 18 months old already, truly God's precious miracles
Kinley and Kenzie - or is it Kenzie and Kinley -
they are just as cute apart
I am unable to tell them apart
Our other great granddaughter Brielle, is a little over a year old, and keeping up with her twin cousins.
coming home a year ago and today
enjoying her 1st birthday cake
Our great grandson, Avery, age 2, has his cast off now ( he broke his femur) and has started to walk again even if he is a bit stumbly. Being in a body cast for weeks set him back a bit, but he has such a wonderful disposition that he will be up to par in no time at all.
God has so blessed us as a family - little did we know that 54 years ago this coming May that we would have had 4 amazing daughters, 6 ever so loved grandchildren, and 4 precious great grandchildren. As God told Noah, " As for you, be fruitful, and increase in number, multiply on the earth and increase upon it". Genesis 9:7
Take time this week to reflect on God's promises and love for you - tell your family how much you love them. If there is a breech with any of your family members, try to close that breech - a phone call, a card, or simple "I am sorry" will cause miracles to happen.
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