Nope, it is only the sun. After about a week of rain, drizzle, and just plain nasty and cold weather, the sun was a welcome relief today. As I looked out the window, there were people walking, riding bikes, talking, just enjoying the sunshine. Seems like the cabin fever has finally broken!
even the water birds were huddled up against the cold and drizzle
We are cat sitting for a few days. Chaplain Bill and Ali went to Washington to attend a memorial service for Ali's brother-in-law, so their cat, Charlie is residing with us. He is a young scardy cat to say the least. When he decides to come out of hiding, he is a very loving, playful pet. Otherwise he hides under our bed, especially when he hears someone at the door. He is used to being outside on leash in the evening, but we do not want to take the chance of him getting loose, so he is confined to the house. Charlie lets us know, very vocally, that he is not happy with this situation, especially at 3 AM.
He really is no problem, just very inquisitive.
Charlie McCarthy Artherholt
Our helping Hands sewing group had an open house this last week to show everyone the many ways they serve. Besides sewing quilts, they make adult bibs, chemo hats for adults and children, even dog beds from the scraps for the local humane society. Can you think of any better way to enjoy your retirement than to use your time and talents to obey the Lord? "Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed", but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?" James 2:16. The annex was just humming with activity: some were sewing, some cutting, some tying, and the rest were watching in amazement as almost 40 workers labored for the Lord! After the open house, many items were delivered to hospitals, shelters, even to a near-by colonia, as some of the ladies from there were in attendance and awed by the construction going on.
workers and visitors
our lovely Miss Anne who sews the adult bibs - she is so much fun
even the men get into the act - tying the quilts, even cutting squares
the ever present food at every function - great treats for everyone
I received a amaryllis bulb for Christmas which is now blooming - 4 beautiful orange red flowers. When it is done blooming, I will plant it outside and watch it bloom every year as a remembrance of the giver.
the flower now has 4 blooms
I had to prop it up with a stick as it threatened to topple over in the window
We had an amazing church service this morning, as Chaplain Joe De Angelis again stepped in for Chaplain Bill. Lorelei De Angeles also helped out, as our song leader had voice problems. Lorelei did a fantastic job of leading the singing, reading prayer requests, and leading the congregation in prayer. We are so blessed to have a strong brotherhood of Chaplains who are always ready to help out others when needed. We had our monthly Chaplain meeting Saturday, when we all gathered to learn more from God what He expects from us, as well as just fellowship and help each other.
After the general meeting and luncheon (food anyone?), we had a time of insights - this month we learned about grief and how it affects everyone so very differently. Grief is silent, a complex process that affects us all at one time or another. It can be the result of losing a loved pet as well as a loved one. Even the loss of things (a job, a home, material possessions) can cause varying degrees of grief. Grief is the price we pay for love. It is not a sign of weakness or lack of faith; it is a normal process that we all go through sometime in our lives, at a different pace for everyone. Grieving is natural and needed for physical, mental, and spiritual growth.
If you know of anyone who is grieving, take time to listen to them, don't push for changes - let them do so in their own time, put your personal agenda aside and keep in contact with them. Let them know that their way of grieving is normal.