Sunday, December 7, 2014

Late Again

This week has just flown by - cannot believe that it is already Sunday night, and we have not had our Popsicle break yet! There are this amazing, delicious, cherry-mango Popsicles that we can buy here - very cheap and low in calories. Every night around 9 PM we indulge. (Old people and set in our ways, I guess). And so I am late in sending this blog - actually I am late in composing it.

Today I am a year older and was totally awestruck by the people who wished me Happy Birthday on facebook. It is so humbling to think these people took time out of their busy schedules to wish me a great day. It was a good day - Church services, a learning, fun Sunday School, then home to read all my bd greetings, then late lunch with good friends. Afternoon of answering important (or so it seems) e-mails, washing dishes, then company arrived. I have not even time to read the paper today.

Chaplain Bill's sermon this morning revolved around the significance of the Christmas Tree and how much of it can help us remember the true reason for the season. The Old Testament relates the stories of many people who used items to help them remember - Joshua and others even used stones. The shape of the tree seems to point to heaven. The tree topper is often an angel who appears many times in the Bible to "bring you good tidings of great joy". Elizabeth, Mary, and the shepherds, to name a few, all received joyful news from angels. The topper could also be a star - you know the story of the Magi. The tree also contains lights - the brightest light on top of the tree to represent the greatest light of all. "I am the way, the truth, and the light: no man comes to the Father except through me". John 14:6.  The smaller lights represent the church - us as followers of Jesus. To make the tree live and stay green longer, you cut off the bottom and put the tree in water. It must have water to live. Picture cutting off the part of you that keeps you from receiving the true living water and receiving the life giving truth of Jesus Christ. So now when you see the Christmas Tree, you can admire it's beauty, but be reminded of Jesus.

As we got out our Christmas decorations, I realized we were missing something - the tree was gone. Where did it go? No clue - unless we disposed of it for some reason last Christmas. CHI resale store had a lovely small one, just what were  looking for, and a great price. Just needed a bit of readjustment in the stand and we were good to go. Now to decorating it tomorrow and finish putting up the manager scene.

Last month, the church and Chaplains served donuts at the Wednesday morning meetings, where we find out what is happening in the park. It does not take a lot of preparation time and is really fun as we get to greet and speak to many park residents.
We served out our month, now a new group has taken over. Most activities are run by volunteers which are a big part of the park.

the December servers ready to go

too much to choose from

looks like hard decisions, but the donuts are the same every week

serving coffee from the endless coffee pots, always available.

the decorated stage in the hall

The wonderful ladies from Illinois again brought a trunk load of quilt tops, which our Helping Hands group finishes, then distributes to area hospitals, shelters, and even to our food and clothing ministry. They also sent beautiful home crocheted or knit scarves, hats, and afghans. So many little heads and faces will be warm this winter, although it does not get bitter cold here, the cold affects those here in the Valley. Thank you Lord for caring Christian people.

homemade hats, scarves, and afghans
one of the many scarves - made with love
We try to visit park residents often, sometimes because they need prayer and encouragement, but mostly just to visit, welcome them to the Valley as returning snowbirds or new residents. Just listening to others and their personal stories makes it so much easier to communicate with them. At our age, we are a wealth of knowledge, so to visit them increases our awareness of different areas of the country as well showing that we do truly care for them as our Heavenly Father cares for us. God wants us to talk to Him often. It really does not matter when or where or even how - just develop a relationship with Him and you will find yourself talking to Him more often - just like a best friend.  Talk to Jesus this week - thank Him for your blessings, and do not be afraid to ask Him about your own needs and wants. He listens.  

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