Sunday, October 19, 2014

More Reflections

Pastor Israel's sermon this morning was a continuation of his series "It Matters". Today's message was based on the fact that prayer matters. He encourages us to reflect back on the times in our lives where we remember that God answered our prayers. He always answers our prayers - maybe not as we expect Him to, but He always answers. We seem to remember the times that made biggest impact on our lives - maybe even forgetting those answered prayers that destined our lives. How you pray is important and is directly related to the Lord's prayer, as this is how the Lord told us to pray. Matthew 6:9-13. Not only is how you pray important, but when you pray is just as important. Our Lord directed us to pray continuously, in reverence and sincerity. Some important points to remember are that when you pray, you pray in worship of God, surrendering yourself to His will, putting your trust in Him, reconcile (forgive) others, remembering that God protects us from temptation, and giving Him the glory. Many people stood up and testified a time in their lives when God answered their prayers - with one lady stating that God answers her prayers everyday as she faces the challenge of  being the lone caregiver of her husband who suffered a stroke. My personal prayer answer came last year as I prayed often and always for twin great granddaughters that seemed to be in grave danger of never being born. Today they are normal, amazing, little girls, who melt my heart whenever I see a picture of them. God answers prayers and I give Him all the praise and glory for Kinley and Kenzie,
God's miracles with their Grandpa Scott Wilken

The evenings are still cool and blissfully quiet as I walk, carrying a walking stick with me, as there are a few dogs still getting into the park. They probably are more afraid of me than I of them, but I feel safer with a stick!!! The quietness makes me think of how the Garden of Eden must have been with soft evening noises of animals, no traffic or loud music, just peacefulness and a feeling of perfect contentment. I sometimes see a few others enjoying walking during this down time before settling in for the night and suppose there will be many more as the Winter Texans filter down.
 I believe they were moving along and not parking
more whistlers looking for a place to snuggle in for the night 
 the egrets look like lights on a Christmans tree
 the lake looks so peaceful in the evening

the moon through the trees
 a few more glass flowers sprouted up by the cactus

This week was spent readying everything for The Church @ Alamo Rec Veh which will begin services on November 2nd. Chaplain Bill and Ali Artherholt should be arriving this week as we plan for this first service. As it is  the first Sunday of the month, Ali and I will be baking cookies to honor those with birthdays and anniversaries in November, as well as restocking the card supply for  the "We Care" program, preparing for the first CRM gathering, and finalizing plans for our ladies conference in February. Our church board president scheduled the church board to serve donuts during the month of November, probably not realizing that church board members would not all be here by then (but then maybe she did!). Looks like it will be the Chaplains serving donuts.

 a project accomplished - all of the communion trays washed and ready to be used.

Need also to wash the church linens this coming week, but I do enjoy doing these things - sort of like list of items to be crossed off with a feeling of accomplishment.
As many of our friends will be traveling here from their Northern homes, let us pray for travel mercies for them all. Pray for the families of those that are not returning here, but have gone home to the Lord. Sadly, some are returning to place their homes up for sale for various reasons. We will miss them as they have become part of our Texas family, but know that they will always be in our hearts.

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