Sunday, October 26, 2014

Holiday Season

Halloween will be here this week, followed shortly by Thanksgiving in less than a month, and then Christmas in 4 weeks after that. It does not seem possible that the time flies by so quickly. I tend not to look that far ahead, only concentrating on each holiday coming up first. Halloween used to be so much fun when the girls were little. Living in North Central Wisconsin, we had to either make or purchase ( I mostly made) costumes large enough to fit over snow suits!!! So the little pumpkins and ghosties were really plump. Walking through the crisp, cold evenings with kids all over the place, hollering "Trick or Treat" was a real experience - followed by returning home to the warm house. As the girls removed their heavy clothing, as a parent, I took the privilege of checking their candy stash, looking for a few of my favorites. Yes, I really did that.

After Halloween, thoughts turned to Thanksgiving -  turkey, dressing, cranberries, pumpkin and apple pie, and football games. The best part was the gathering of all the relatives, the enjoyment of being together for a day of bonding and giving thanks for God's favor and mercy. The day after Thanksgiving was a special day for me, as Fred would go off deer hunting, and I would start planning Christmas baking, making all of the roll out cookies that day to be decorated later on. No shopping, as most of the  Christmas presents were already made (yes, I said made). There were some store bought items, but the fun was seeing the joy as handmade gifts were unwrapped. I remember one year when one of the girls thought she had lost her favorite doll (which I had found and hidden). After they all went to bed in the evenings, I sewed new clothes for Dollie and she reappeared under the tree with all her new togs. Yes, I do admit I love the gift giving, but always remembering the greatest gift of all. (I guess my ramblings have gotten away from me). Try to make these 2 months of holiday bliss meaningful to you and your family by giving thanks every day for something, no matter how small it may seem. Then prepare yourselves for the birth of our Lord and Savior at Christmastime.

This week we celebrated the 85th birthday of one of our residents with cake and punch.
There were not to many of us there, as most have not yet arrived here at Alamo Rec Veh, but it was a great fellowship time - wishing Evie Happy Birthday. We soon will be celebrating her husband's 90th birthday. Both of them are doing well physically, are members of our church family, and love life to it's fullest.
birthday girl
Jack and Evie - a fun couple

Pastor Israel finished his series of "It Matters" with an important message of finishing well. In 2 Timothy 4:6-8, Paul is at the end of his 30 years of ministry, reflecting on the fact that he fought a good fight for the Lord, spreading His word throughout the land, finishing the race while keeping the faith. He is looking forward to the crown of righteousness, promised to him by the Lord. What an amazing testimony. In this Scripture, he is encouraging young Timothy to continue the fight, keeping the faith, and running a good race. It is important to realize that how you live your life today will determine how you see yourself at the end of the race.  Was your life an offering to God, did you finish the race being faithful to Him, and are you looking forward to a victor's crown?? It is never too late to get it right.
Chaplain Bill and Ali Artherholt arrived last week, ready to begin ministering to the residents here at Alamo Rec Veh. As we begin the season, pray for all 4 of us as we step forward in Christian love, preparing to continue the race by always being faithful to Him. Please pray for the Church @ Alamo Rec Veh, Chaplain Bill, the musicians, praise team, all of the electronics, the church board,  even for us,  as we proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord.  

Sunday, October 19, 2014

More Reflections

Pastor Israel's sermon this morning was a continuation of his series "It Matters". Today's message was based on the fact that prayer matters. He encourages us to reflect back on the times in our lives where we remember that God answered our prayers. He always answers our prayers - maybe not as we expect Him to, but He always answers. We seem to remember the times that made biggest impact on our lives - maybe even forgetting those answered prayers that destined our lives. How you pray is important and is directly related to the Lord's prayer, as this is how the Lord told us to pray. Matthew 6:9-13. Not only is how you pray important, but when you pray is just as important. Our Lord directed us to pray continuously, in reverence and sincerity. Some important points to remember are that when you pray, you pray in worship of God, surrendering yourself to His will, putting your trust in Him, reconcile (forgive) others, remembering that God protects us from temptation, and giving Him the glory. Many people stood up and testified a time in their lives when God answered their prayers - with one lady stating that God answers her prayers everyday as she faces the challenge of  being the lone caregiver of her husband who suffered a stroke. My personal prayer answer came last year as I prayed often and always for twin great granddaughters that seemed to be in grave danger of never being born. Today they are normal, amazing, little girls, who melt my heart whenever I see a picture of them. God answers prayers and I give Him all the praise and glory for Kinley and Kenzie,
God's miracles with their Grandpa Scott Wilken

The evenings are still cool and blissfully quiet as I walk, carrying a walking stick with me, as there are a few dogs still getting into the park. They probably are more afraid of me than I of them, but I feel safer with a stick!!! The quietness makes me think of how the Garden of Eden must have been with soft evening noises of animals, no traffic or loud music, just peacefulness and a feeling of perfect contentment. I sometimes see a few others enjoying walking during this down time before settling in for the night and suppose there will be many more as the Winter Texans filter down.
 I believe they were moving along and not parking
more whistlers looking for a place to snuggle in for the night 
 the egrets look like lights on a Christmans tree
 the lake looks so peaceful in the evening

the moon through the trees
 a few more glass flowers sprouted up by the cactus

This week was spent readying everything for The Church @ Alamo Rec Veh which will begin services on November 2nd. Chaplain Bill and Ali Artherholt should be arriving this week as we plan for this first service. As it is  the first Sunday of the month, Ali and I will be baking cookies to honor those with birthdays and anniversaries in November, as well as restocking the card supply for  the "We Care" program, preparing for the first CRM gathering, and finalizing plans for our ladies conference in February. Our church board president scheduled the church board to serve donuts during the month of November, probably not realizing that church board members would not all be here by then (but then maybe she did!). Looks like it will be the Chaplains serving donuts.

 a project accomplished - all of the communion trays washed and ready to be used.

Need also to wash the church linens this coming week, but I do enjoy doing these things - sort of like list of items to be crossed off with a feeling of accomplishment.
As many of our friends will be traveling here from their Northern homes, let us pray for travel mercies for them all. Pray for the families of those that are not returning here, but have gone home to the Lord. Sadly, some are returning to place their homes up for sale for various reasons. We will miss them as they have become part of our Texas family, but know that they will always be in our hearts.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Refelctions of the Week

Unbelievable that another week has gone by. This morning we were discussing where we had used so much vehicle gas this past week - upon further discussion,  we realized that we were on the road every day of the week - church services, Bible Study, delivering produce to the food ministry, and volunteering at the CHI resale store, not to mention the grocery shopping and RX pickup. Luckily gas is $2.91 a gallon - it really helps out a lot. But the time goes so quickly when we are busy. With the return of the Winter Texans and the start of church services here at the Park, our days will truly be full.

Uriel, one of our college boys at the refuge in Reynosa graduated this last week with a degree from a technical college. We are so proud of these kids who go on to school in order to ensure a better life style for themselves. What an amazing role model they portray for the kids still in school at RIN - a living proof that they, too, can be whatever they want to. About a year ago we were saddened at the loss of 3 brothers from RIN as their mother, through devious plans, managed to pull her boys from the refuge back to the streets of Reynosa. But God had a plan in mind!!! This last week, all three boys returned to RIN, with the assurance that they would never have to go back to the living conditions that were way less than desirable. We don't know what took place in the period that they were gone, but the oldest boy was asked if he wanted to press charges against his mother. He declined to do so, thus proving that the loving care he received previously at the haven softened his heart, allowing him to forgive his mother, just as God forgives all of us. What a powerful message.

This week as we volunteered at Border Missions, there were 2 people who really impacted my life and proved that God is really alive!!! Jesse, a preacher from Pharr, Texas, presented his testimony, both in English and Spanish. At a young age, he was involved in a gang and as he stated it, fell further and further into sin. From what I understood, he was sort of the leader of a very bad gang in the area. Unfortunately (at the time), he was incarcerated and thrown into solitary confinement after being beaten by the authorities. His gang members also were put in jail, and looked up to him as their hero, certain that all charges would be dropped and they again would be free to terrorize the neighborhoods. While in solitary, Jesse cried out to the Lord, whom he had abandoned even though he been raised in the Word. He talked to the Lord, cried out to Him, and prayed for three days, asking, "Lord, you said You would always be with me. Why did you leave me?" After three days he got his answer, "Jesse, I did not leave you, you left Me". This statement really impacted me for some reason. I knew it to be true, but to hear it from Jesse really got my attention. Like when you read Scripture for perhaps the 10th time, then all of a sudden it hits you right in the face??  To make a longer story shorter, he went before the judge and jury to be sentenced for up to 25 years in prison. The jury all declared he was FREE - not to serve anytime in jail. That day, 25 years ago, Jesse turned his life over to God.

As we were waiting for the church service to start that afternoon, we talked to an amazing Mexican lady named America. She married a widow man with 6 children, and then they had 1 of their own. They lived in Reynosa (as they still do) and were very poor - raised all sorts of animals for food, such as chickens, pigeons, ducks, geese, pigs, and rabbits. In time they raised 10 more children - children from poor families who did not even have papers registering their birth. They did not know the name of one young girl whom they named Anna Christina. America and her husband managed to put all these kids through school, some even went to college. She said that even that they were indeed poor, she was rich in her heart!!!! What sacrifices they must have endured to see that all of "their children" found a better way of life. My life is so very insignificant compared to hers and my sacrifices minute.

One evening as I was walking later in the day, the sun was just setting. As I turned in  the other direction, there was the Blood Red Moon. A truly magnificent sight - I was totally awestruck. It was a quiet evening - the birds were not singing, but just getting ready to settle in for the evening.
 the sun setting in the palms
 the moon is not as red as it was in reality, but it is still beautiful in the picture
a family of whistlers, taking their last swim of the day

a white egret, checking out the area before roosting
Pastor's Israel's sermon this morning was based on "How You Serve Matters". We have to see the need and have compassion (as in America's case), the power of God is unexpected (as in Jesse's case), and when God is at work, our needs will be satisfied, ( as I like to believe happens in our ministry). This is all based on the gospel of Mark 6:30 and following (as well as the in Matthew, Luke, and John) - the loaves and fishes.  Keep your antennas up to see a need this week and compassionately fill that need. Do it all for God's glory and for none of your own.  


Sunday, October 5, 2014

Remembering and Forgetting

October brings some migrating birds (where ARE those hummingbirds!), but also the beginning of the largest winter migration - Winter Texans or Snow Birds. A few couples have wandered back to our park, as well as a few new ones. Next week promises to see a trickling of a few more (the snow in the North have pushed them South). Our Chaplain Bill and wife Ali are also due to arrive in a few weeks, as well as the rest of the CRM Chaplains in the area, ready to start services in the parks by November 1. We are going to have quite a few changes in our church services this year (not the service itself  but the praise and worship part of it) so please pray for us that all changes will be for the better, but most important, are to the Glory of God.

With the coming of the winter season here in the park, I won't have as much spare time as I seem to have now. Although we do keep busy with the food and clothing ministry, Border Missions soup kitchen,  and volunteering at the resale store for Children's Haven, we still have time for relaxing hobbies. Fred relaxation consists of mowing - with all the rain and heat we have had, the lawns here at the park have gone wild, so Fred is helping the maintenance crew catch up on mowing. It keeps him busy and allows me the free time to do some fun stuff.  My latest glass creations are flowers from vases and candle holders - they slip over a metal rod stuck in the ground to look like sparkly flowers. I also have been practicing my spinning. Grrrrrr - all I spin so far is lumpy stuff, but it is getting better.

they really do sparkle when the sun shines on them

close up of glass flowers

We have some wonderful produce donated to Great Oaks Food Ministry this week - beautiful peppers, limes, squash and tomatoes, as well as bakery items and tortillas. Because God blessed us with so much extra, we again were able to share with another church. He seems to know our needs before we can even determine them ourselves.
When we see people leaving the church with bags of fresh produce and bakery items, we know God has lead us here for a purpose.

 look at all those beautiful peppers, squash, and tomatoes
limes and cucumbers, too
We ventured over to the Mexican market (pulga) next to our park the other day to get a few sweet onions and found those delightfully delicious little bananas. They look like a banana, with a thinner skin, and taste just a bit different. I used a few with mango, pineapple, and spinach in my morning smoothie - simply heavenly. Do you suppose there are fresh fruits in heaven, or do we just live by the fruit of the Spirit??? 

see how tiny the banana is compared to a dinner fork? I am going to find out if they have a different name than little banana!
There is a really weird tree growing here in the park (actually lots of them). I may have  mentioned it before, but the leaves are different from each other - it is very beautiful but certainly not like any trees that I have been used to. I imagine they will all turn the same color eventually but for now they are certainly unique.
 some of the leaves are green and some are pink and green

 the branches are very long and lined with leaves

Pastor Israel's sermon this morning was sort of a continuation of last week's sermon, entitled "What You Do Matters". Chameleons change their color in order to blend in with their environment, but Christians should not blend in. People should be able to tell that we are Christians just because we do not act like many others. So many times people are raised in a Christian family, only to fall into the temptation of the world because they forget what they had learned, just as the Israelites did after they crossed into the dessert after 400 years of captivity. They forgot that God parted the Red Sea, that He provided food (manna) and water (from the rock). He lead them towards the Promised Land in a cloud, promising them a land of milk and honey. Because forgetfulness is a part of our human nature, we need to ask God to remind us of what we are supposed to do. We can do this by daily devotions, Bible study classes and listening to the Word of God. Temptations are out there and can overcome us when pride enters the picture so stand strong in Christ.
Continue to pray for Israel. Why should we pray for Israel? First and foremost because human souls are suffering, struggling and fighting to survive there amidst physical, political and spiritual warfare. Why pray for Israel? You should pray for Israel because God commands our support and aid of Israel throughout the Bible. We hope that you will join us in prayer for the State of Israel.