I was trying to think of a title for today's blog - don't really like the word boasting, but the other descriptions are not flattering either - "show off, blow your own horn, sing your praises, etc.". This week I finished a baby quilt top for a Hispanic friend here in the Valley. I took it along when we volunteered at CHI resale shop this week to try to find some matching yarn to tie it with. Later in the morning (when I wanted to show to
show it off again) it had disappeared. I worked hard on it, frustrated at times because the directions were unclear and I had to rip out stitches - I was proud of it to the point of me realizing that I was being a show off. Anyway, it was gone. I looked and hunted, as did Fred but to no avail, it was gone. I was devastated - then began to think and ask God for forgiveness for being boastful. Even though I was sad, I thanked Him for reminding me. It was a hard lesson to learn - I was thinking of all the time, work, and money involved into making another one. I could not get to sleep that night, but finally did - all of a sudden I woke up at 1PM with a revelation - I had taken it into another room to look for yarn - did I leave it there?? And whatever woke me up??? Saturday morning came, off to CHI we went - and there it was!!!! I was joyful, but remembered to thank God and remind myself not to be boastful. It is for Him that we give thanks, praise and glory. Soooo - if I post a picture of it is just to remind us that God gives each of us certain talents for which we need thank Him for and not waste them. This quilt is for a girl who was ever so helpful to us at Staples where we have our church bulletins printed. She is a wonderful Christian and has always gone above and beyond for us. In the spring she found out she was expecting a baby (her next older child is 10!!!) After urging from her husband, she decided to quit and finish her nursing degree. We have kept in touch and I wanted to make sure she had the quilt before we left for AR and WI in case the baby came early. (Baby is due on Fred's birthday in July). My morning devotion reminded me that our goals in life should include giving away the gifts God has given us.
it is not a traditional baby quilt color
Our key lime tree is growing, but so far we do not have any fruit. I noticed that other day that even the truck and branches are lime in color - even the leaves smell like key limes. God's great order in creation never ceases to amaze me. Some of our cacti have never blossomed before, so I do not know if it is the rain we have had, plus the warm days that have seemed to make them all burst out in flowers, as if they are bursting out in joy!
some buds we have never seen before
there are quite a few of them
and then they burst into flower - for one day only
so beautiful - this is our neighbor's (and Fred's cousin's) trailer in the back ground )
so prickly but such amazing beauty
even the crown of thorns is blooming
another cactus with buds we have never seen before - hope they bloom before we leave this week
Pastor Israel's sermon this morning was titled "The Invitation". This is the time of year that we receive all sorts of invitations - graduations of various types, weddings, showers, and anniversaries. These invitations all say "come, come, celebrate with me". God invites us to "Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light". Matthew 11: 28-30. The yoke fits perfectly because God made us in His image. To enter God's rest we need to listen to Jesus and learn from His teachings. So important - listen and learn. If we do this, the Lord will go with us always, leading sometimes, sometimes walking alongside us, sometimes carrying us. Eternal life is the invitation - we do not want to miss this event.
There are a few in our park yet that need our prayers - please pray for Jim Kastner, Dave Niccum, and Marvin Rutledge who need healing as well as comfort in the knowledge that the Lord is always with them. Also pray for us as we travel to Arkansas this week.
If you are not aware, the cactus you're growing is San Pedro.